Chapter 26

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A vast number of people scattered all over the area as soon as they arrived. There isn't anything noticeable but the enormous flame hastily tearing every piece of the bar.

Erin couldn't move a bit and her eyes isn't leaving the building as the fire's getting bigger. She couldn't believe what she was seeing and that she still had to process what is going on.

When she saw Migz take a few steps, she was brought back to the present and quickly scan the area and look for Raven.

"How did this happen? Who—who did this?" She asked while keeping up with his strides. Even though she notices he isn't going to respond she still asks her another question. "Are we gonna see him here?"

"Jah. He must be anywhere around. I'm certain of it."

Given the number of people, it is impossible to catch sight of Raven among these people. But Migz is correct. It didn't take long before she saw his figure. He's only standing with his hands in his pocket as he stares at the establishment slowly disappearing.

By the time Erin was about to walk up to Raven, she was stopped by Migz and she was quickly able to learn what he was trying to get at. For a moment they remain from a distance while watching Raven who seemed to have so many thoughts running through his head.

No one could ever tell how hard it is for someone to have something important be taken away from him. But Raven isn't showing any expressions. His face is blank but anyone could see in his eyes a hint of sorrow.

Few minutes later, Raven walks away really fast that they didn't have a chance to catch him up. As much as Erin wants to follow and talk to him she decided to give him some time for now. Sure she doesn't stand a chance Raven would give her time.

According to the news, the fire started almost an hour now, and the firemen were having a hard time easing the fire.

It's only getting harder for Erin to look at the establishment as it turns into ashes. She's only been there a few times but she felt sad not just by losing the bar but also for those people who work there. She couldn't put into words how hard it is for Raven to lose what he calls his home.

When she turned around she saw Christa and Jade from a distance. Christa was only looking at the bar with Jade beside her, trying to comfort her.

"What happened?" Erin asked them as soon as she reached them. But Christa seemed to be thinking hard.

Erin knows now isn't the right time to talk about it with them in this state but she can't just help it.

Jade takes in a breath. "We didn't know how it happens. We were inside the staff's room when the fire started at the back of the building. We had constantly checked everything and we have no idea how it happens. We just... we just could not believe this happened."

"You can tell someone's behind these all?" Migz asked. But no one could tell the answer, though.

The following silence gets strange, and it took a few more minutes before the fire soon receding. Their eyes aren't looking away from the building. They felt bad that they couldn't do a single thing even if they badly want to.

"I don't care about losing my job." Christa finally spoke. Almost whisper. "I care more about Raven. 'Bout how he feels. It was the only thing he got. It was his home." She then let go of the tears brimming.

Erin understand the discomfort Christa was feeling. She's been here a few times and she barely knows Jade and Christa. But Erin could not disregard how these two are feeling.

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