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Well, it's been time since the news reporter and we now have a little angel known as Eri in our mix. Along with my brother I was a part of saving her from Overhaul. My brother and I finishing Overhaul together. Ever since she been around me all the time. We even go to Bakugo's special courses together.

While in home room the alarm goes off for villains in UA. We all quickly change and head to ground beta where the attack is. After confirming smoke the position of the villains and any damaged areas. Someone got swept away by the river. "I can deal with that. Go ahead." I jump into the sky and head to the river. Once there I see Mirio merrily floating away with the current of the river. I take him out and leave him to Asui when another explosion goes off. "God I hate it here." I fly over the and put out the fire with water combined with ice. Obviously when the others were coming to the fire Nejire came and caught Pinky.

I laugh with a hint of villainy in my eyes. I easily send her into a building I already scanned for those any civilians. "I'm going to kick your ass." We start to fight each other, both of us receiving blows. "Wanna be a villain I'll treat you like a villain pera" I giggle punching her. I quickly capture her and go out the others. "I got Nejire!" I shout tying her up. Bakugo ends up grounding Amajiki as well as capturing him. "Fight me!" Bakugo shouts. "Uh oh God. That's enough Bakugo get off of him now." He doesn't get off and blows up Amajiki. "Not my problem." I turn away. 

✧༺✦✮✦༻∞𝐌𝐑𝐒.𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃 ∞༺✦✮✦༻✧

Well today we're supposed to have joint training with Class IB. And already Monama is on that BS. I put up wall that's keep his talking away from us. "HEY KENDO!" I hug her. After all the formalities Mr. Aizawa introduced Shinso who's trying to get into the hero course. "Mina is it just me but Shinso is really cute." I giggle. Bakugo being right next to me pulls me into his body with a quick kiss on my lips. "You're mine." He growls in my ear. After the instructions were explained the first group goes. I honestly wasn't paying attention. I was more focusing on what I should do regarding my powers. I don't wanna kill anyone but it all depends on how much I use. 

Electricity is obvious too much can spaze out the heart and make it explode. Water I control blood because its 70% water so that's outta the question. Fire only to a certain extent earth is a no go and the others are to dangerous. I can mix blood curdle and fallen angel together. It's the best option. "Bakugo~" I coo jumping on his back. "Yeah?" "I love you" "I love you to Shortie" While in Toykonami's fight he says "A new move I worked on with Hawks. Dark Fallen Angel. I named it after a classmate that helped me control dark shadow." "Tokonami you idiot" I smile. 

"VLAD THAT'S ATTEMPTED MURDER! 2ND DEGREE IF OJIRO IS DEAD! HOW COULD YOU ALLOW THAT!" I shout. "Y/N stand down." "NO MR.AIZAWA I'M NOT'STANDING DOWN' DADDY!" I scream some more. "What is it my sweet child? What troubles you?" My father asks stepping out of the portal. "He tried to kill my classmates! And their teacher doesn't care! THAT'S MURDER. HOW COULD CALL YOURSELF A HERO IF YOUR STUDENTS OUT HERE KILLIN OTHERS." 

"My daughter is right. Your no better than villains. And it doesn't help that your being bias and saying it's ok. Now give them the proper care or you'll have more than just my daughter to deal with." My father finishes. "Well?" With that every round after Vlad King is commenting on both classes. "Daddy are you and mommy watching me fight?" "Of course dear. We wouldn't miss it." He kisses my forehead and goes back through the portal. It's Bakugo's turn to fight and my eyes are basically glued to the screen. He has changed a little and learned to care for others outside the walls he built for himself. After weeks of somewhat begging, Aizawa finally allowed me to move in with Bakugo but I still have my room just incase of anything.

"Aww I'm so proud of you baby. You trusted them." I hug him tightly. "Yeah yeah." I kiss his lips as his arms snake around my waist. "I love you." It's my turn to fight and I hear something from Monama's group. "Out of all of them Y/N is the most dangerous. We can't fight her head on. Plus she's Bakugo's girlfriend. He's got some influence on her. Let's try to hit her weak spot. Izuku her brother. If she's more focused on protecting him if their alone we can strike." With a smirk I fly over to my position.

The fight begins. "Alright we know Monama and Shinso so I can get them because with Shinso you can't talk and communication is key if we wanna win." "But won't it be hard to take on two powerful opponents?" Mineta asks. "Nah I'll be good. I can take on whoever I please." I smirk. "Have fun ladies gentleman and pervert." I blow a kiss with a smirk and part ways with them. Unknowingly to them, I 've been close by. I did figure out most of 1B's plan. Monama and Shinso are going after my brother and the other three are going after Uraraka, Mina and Mineta. I followed Monama's voice and I saw that Izuku flung himself into a building where Shinso is. "SHINSO GET OUTA THERE!" I shout. He uses his scarf to mosey along and I get close to my brother. 

"Hey look at me Izuku. It's me Y/N your sister." He tells me to back away and then just comes crashing into me flinging me outside. "Jesus." 'I can match him in speed and so her doesn't get hurt I'll take the blow.' I resort to fallen angel and fly over to him as fast as I can. "URARAKA MOVE!" She stops running and I hug my brother. "I DON'T HAVE A POWER TO COMABT THIS. NOT EVEN MY SATANIC ONES BUT PLEASE IZUKU. COME BACK TO ME. I WANT MY BIG BROTHER BACK." Tears slip out my eyes as I finish. After Shinso used his quirk it seems that his new quirk died down. "Your okay your okay." I rest my head on his shoulder crying. "Cover me." I whisper. As I predicted Monama was lurking in the shadows and attack.

I put on my fighting playlist which contains music with bass. Between all 8 of us it became a brawl. 4 on 4. I got the most issue one Monama and I have to say fighting him is fun. "Hey hey copy my quirk. "I brush past him collecting my quirk. "Fair warning hun you have to use your own blood. Or I'll do it for you." I smirk. Not letting go of his pride and ego he cuts his forearm  but can't control the blood to make his own weapon. "Aww can't control it huh?" I hold my scythe around his neck. "I control you bitch" I begin to take him to the jail cell. "Just so you know I don't like you at all." I step away and blow a kiss to the near by camera.

While walking away something or someone uses their hand and drags me through the ground into a pillar. I could easily figure out who it was. "Alright come at me bitch." I take off fallen angel and smirk. In the end she is weak and and I easily put her in the cell. "Work on close combat fighting you suck ass." Class 1A obviously won and we we're let go. The sun is already going down. "Aight babe I going to help Deku with his new quirk. I love you." "I love you too Bakugo." He kisses me quickly and leaves.  

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