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"Bakugo~" Y/N coos into his ear

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"Bakugo~" Y/N coos into his ear. "Morning princessa." Bakugo says in a husky sleepy voice. "Happy Valentines Day~" She kisses his face all over. "Look down princess." He smirks flipping over to properly see Y/N's reaction to the light pink roses petals filling their room. "Awww Bakugo." Y/N's expression softens as she jumps onto him. "Thank you!" She smiles brightly and kisses his lips sweetly. "Happy Valentines princessa. I'm not done." Bakugo picks her up and tells her to get dressed for the day.

Y/N decided to dress up in red for today since they gave the students the day off because ya know its Valentines. "Well Mr. Bakugo where are we going today?" Y/N comes out of the bathroom. "It's a surprise." He chuckles and puts her on his shoulders. "Lets go then I wanna seeeeee." Y/N smiles brightly. He just chuckles and takes Y/N outside to the common room. "Close your eyes." He takes her off of his shoulders and covers her eyes. "Bakugo where are you taking me?" She laughs. "Wait soon there." He chuckles. "Open your eyes." He takes off his hand. When Y/N opens her eyes she sees a teddy bear on top of a louis vittion bag along with a Victoria secret bag.

"Bakugo you didn't have to go so far." Y/N jumps to hug him. "Ahh don't worry about it. Go open your gifts." Y/N smiles and sits on his lap opening the Victoria secret bag first. She got a perfume and a lingere set. "Oh Bakugo." She smirks up at him. He smirks and just gives Y/N he second gift. She opens the louis vittion bag. "Omg you got me the bag I liked! Thank you thank you thank you!" Y/N hugs him tightly not dropping the bag. "Your welcome princess." He smiles and kisses her cheeks. "And I'm not done. I'm taking you shopping again. Come on. Eri is waiting for you outside." Y/N squeals with delight before running outside to Eri. "Hi baby." Y/N puts her on her shoulders. "Lets go sweetie." She turns Bakugo not being far behind.


"You like it?" Eri asks showing off a shirt she wants. "You look adorable. We'll get it." Y/N smiles. Eri goes back to change back into her dress. "You've really made her day Bakugo. She's smiling even brighter than she normally is." Y/N smiles picking up the bags. "I know. I want my little girl to be happy." He puts Eri back on his shoulders before leaving the store. Y/N already got what she wanted and they were able to fly back home. "Race you back!" Bakugo chuckles going off. "Your on!" Eri holds on tightly as the two race through the city. Everyone was happy. Something a certain someone was waiting on.


"Y/N~" Bakugo hugs her from behind. "Yes baby" She smiles answering him. "Get ready I'm taking you out for dinner and fireworks." He whispers in her ear. She didn't waste anytime looking for an outfit and doing her hair. She chose a low puff. "I'm ready." Y/N comes out of her closet. Bakugo smiled towards her outfit his being jeans and a red dress shirt. "My God your beautiful." Bakugo pulls Y/N in by her ass and kisses her hungrily. "Now let me take you out." He whispers deeply in her ear, Y/N smiles almost innocently. That honestly turned Bakugo on. He led her outside and put her hand in his. "The restaurant isn't to far. I believe you'll remember it well."


"Rascals!" Y/N screams as they finally reach the restaurant. "This is where I confessed to you." Y/N's gazed softens as she looks to Bakugo.  "I will never forget that day when you became mine." They enter the restaurant and go to their seats. "Bakugo this is really sweet of  you to being me here." Y/N smiled. "We haven't gotten much time to ourselves, so I wanted to make it happen and somewhere special. Care to dance with me?"

He holds out his hand towards Y/N. "My pleasure." She smiled getting up and walking to the dance floor with him. As they swayed quietly with each other paparazzi were lurking close by taking pictures of the couple with almost teary eyes. It was a beautiful sight. To believe a year ago they were trying to kill each other at the Sports festival and now they're holding each other lovingly. "Darling you look perfect tonight." Bakugo kisses Y/N's forehead. "Well I found the woman. Stronger than anyone I know. She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home. I found the love, To carry more than just my secrets, to carry love, to carry children of our own." Bakugo sang. 

"We are still kids but were so in love, fighting against all odds. I know we'll be alright this time." Y/N sang. "Darling just hold my hand be my girl, I'll be your man. I see my future in your eyes. Baby I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms. Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song. When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful. I don't deserve this, you look perfect tonight." Bakugo sang placing his forehead on hers. They continue dancing until their food arrived and sat to eat and drink. Bakugo paid for their meal and the two started to walk the boardwalk hand in hand. "Thank you Bakugo. Dinner was amazing and I enjoyed dancing with you." Y/N hugs his body tightly. "Pleasures all mine princess." That's when they heard an explosion. 

The two immediately sprung into action, Y/N spawning Bakugo's gloves and gauntlets. They arrived in town to see the police gathered around a building. "What's happening?" Y/N asks. "No, only heroes past this point." "Here. Now tell us what happened."  "There's a hostage situation. 20 on the 20th floor. Those who tried escaping got killed and the person only has on demand." "A single perp took this building?" Bakugo asked slinging an arm around Y/N's waist. "Yeah, for the release of the prisoners they want the hero Angel to go up there."  "Me?!" Y/N exclaims.

"Yup" "Well ok." Y/N nervously shrugs her shoulder letting go off Bakugo. "Your gonna be ok?"  "Of course. I love you darling." She kisses his lips before entering the building. Y/N sprouted her wings and started combing the floors until she got to the 20th floor. "Hello?" Y/N's voice echoed through the building. "Why hello Y/N!" The person threw out of the building and into another one, glass picking the wings on her back. She scream before blocking a beam sending through 2 more buildings. Bakugo couldn't just sit around and watch his girlfriend get thrown about like a rag doll, but the police were trying to hold him back. "Let me go!" He broke free and sent the figure back into the original building. He pick up Y/N and went back down to ground level. "Ow" She hissed feeling the glass grow deeper into her wings.

"Careful princess. The glass is growing inside your wings." Bakugo whispered pulling out his phone. Only one person could help him with her wings. Izuku. "Get here now, there's glass in Y/N's wings and it seems to be taking the feathers off, bring Todoroki." Once Bakugo got off the phone the police came and surrounded the two. "Our chief relieved us to your command. What are your orders?"  "Evacuate people within 10 mile radius. I got a feeling this villain doesn't fight fair and the people I called aren't fun when she's hurt." "Yes sir!" The police got to it while Izuku and Todoroki got to the scene in their costumes. "It's worse than I thought. I can get them out but it will send her into shock." Izuku said pulling tweezers out of the bag he brought. "I set an evacuation in a 10 mile radius. We should have enough space to deal with him. She can build back whatever we destroy."  Todoroki said. They all nod before turning to see the villain appearing at the very top of the building.

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