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Hi! I'm Amy and I live in the amazing MIA! I have the most annoying and weirdest sister ever......named Zoey! But I call her Zoe. She is 16 and I'm 13. Yay 😒 but I can't complain she loves me so much that it's incredible. Then I have my brother, Max ...lord don't get me started. He is 14 and crazy about football. Lastly there is the smallest of the group named Abigail, but I call her Abby! She is 4 about to be 5.

Amy~ (13) ginger hair (red,blonde,orange, & brown), little brown eyes, long strait hair and pretty short/ tall! Plays/ does everything. Dancer. Main Sport: Volleyball & Basketball.

Zoey~ (16) tall, kind of reddish brownish hair. Hazel and kind of green eyes.
. Plays/does everything! Main Sport: Volleyball.

Max: (14) tall, reddish brown hair but hazel eyes. Plays/ does everything. Main sport: football.

Abby: (4) short, red/ orange long hair. Plays with her toys and watches movies and is kind of active! 😂

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