Chapter 30

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Amy's POV
I felt like crying! I looked at Emily and Zoe and they were about to cry. I felt tears coming down. And I was right. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Abby! I hug Abby and put her on my lap.
"I talked to Bart and he said that we can bring you guys" Nash said smiling!
"No way really?" Emily said.
"So Nash you made me cry and you made my sister cry FOR NOTHING!" I said screaming.
"Yeah...?" He said laughing.
"You better run Grier!" I said getting up. "Oh no!" Nash said while running out the door. I chased Nash until Hayes grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "I'll get you back Nash!" I said.

Emily's POV
"Omg Nash your such an ass! Why would you do that!" I said hitting his arm. "We'll aren't you happy your coming with us! Your going to be part of Magcon with us!" Nash said! "Yeah but we are going to be back stage right?" Amy said. "Well you might be singing with Shawn" Hayes said to Amy. "Wait what? What about V! She sings" she said. "Hey don't get me in this" Vianey said. "Nash can we dance like actual dancing?" I asked as I looked at Amy. "Yeah that perfect!" He said. "Em remember we have the photo shoot tomorrow" Amy said. "If you guys want you can come" I said.

Nash's POV
"Yea we will join you. Remember to start packing" Nash said. "Wait don't we need to ask our parents?" Amy asked. "I talked to your parents Amy, I just don't know about...." He said as he was cut off by V. "My parents are okay, as long as I keep up with school work" she said. "Okay well it's a deal!" Amy said. "YAY!!!!!!! The GIRLS ARE STAYING AND SO IS MAXXXXXIIIIEEEE!" Sky said running and jumping into Max's arms! "Oh lord".

Zoe's POV
"Can we stay here in the hotel until tomorrow?" I asks Nash. "Yeah"
"Let's watch a movie, change into comfy clothes okay" I said tossing Amy's bag towards her. "Okay" everyone said
*after changing*
We all got one the floor except for Emily,Jack, Nash and I. We were on the 2 beds. [Jack and Emily on one bed, Nash and I in another one]
Everyone fell asleep fast. Including me!

Jack G's POV
Emily fell asleep on my chest. She's so warm and soft 😍 I wish I can hold her like this Forever!

Matts POV
Patricia fell asleep on my shoulder. I looked around and all the guys fell asleep on one another. Emily and Jack on one bed. Zoe and Nash on another. Amy and Hayes on the floor. What was funny was that. Amy has her legs on Shawn and Taylor's head was on Amy's legs. Amy's head was on Hayes shoulder and he had Sky's head his lap and Abby was on Amy's laps. Vianey was on Jack J. Like her legs were over his body and her head was on his chest. And Cameron was with Carter. And me well.....Patricia just had her head on my shoulder.

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