Chapter 16

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Hayes POV
Finally I was sorta alone with Amy. I wanted to get closer to her as possible. "Hey guys I'm gonna go to the bathroom, be right back" she said as she started to get up.
"Okay Hayes spill it" Patricia said. "What do you mean?" I said. "Everyone knows that you like Amy, Hayes." She said. "And she clearly likes you" she kept adding. "No way she does" I said smiling. At that moment she came out."whatcha talking about? She asked. "Nothing" I said. She shrugged and sat down.
"Okay pat let's pick your outfit" she said

Matt's POV
Let me text Patricia. I kind of changed her contact name too.......

To: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-Hey Pat I wanted to tell you again that I'm gonna go pick you up around 1.
From: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-okay and may I know where we are going?
To: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-I'm not going to tell you. It's a surprise that your best friend told me your always wanted.
From: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-okay fine but what do I wear?
To: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-bring a bathing suit just in case 😉 that's all I'm going to say. Love you tho 😘
From: Future Girlfriend💘💍
-okay, love you too. C U tomorrow 🙊🙈💘

Patricia's POV
I think feeling are arising between Matthew and I. I really do like Matthew. Because look at him.......he is hawt asf😻😻😻 who wouldn't want him. The real question is.....why would someone like him fall for me? In an average girl that right is going to change her hair color. And the person doing it is my best friend that has no idea of what she is doing so yeah. I snapped out of my thought and looked at Amy.

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