Chapter 24

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Amy's POV
"Guys we need to clean up. Specially that I'm spending the day with Hayes" I said to Nash and Zoe. "Amy, what am I going to do" Emily said frowning. "Wait you want me to call over Cameron or Jack G?" I said. "Jack G" she said smiling. "Wooahh, Emily going for the hot one huh" I said laughing. "I'm kidding chill" I said laughing even more. "Come on Amy, get dressed so that you can come with me to the hotel and then I can get dressed" Hayes said. "Okay" I said. "Yo Hayes can you bring my suitcase over here, you might wanna bring yours" Nash said to Hayes. "Umm you guys talk about that. Zoey, Pat and I are going to get dressed." I said as I started to walk upstairs. "Wait Amy I'm going to go to my house and get dressed there" Emily said as she went to the door and left. "K" I screamed. I knew she would say that!

Hayes POV
After Amy went upstairs and the girls followed her, I sat down next to Nash. "Dude you know we are leaving in 3 days" I said to him. "Yeah but I have a plan" he said smiling and nodding his head. "How many are there of them?" "There's 5 girls but 1 guy. Max" I said. "Yeah no worries" he said. "Well I think I have a better idea. Don't bring my suitcase, after you hang out with Amy take her to the hotel" he said. "What why?" I said. "I'm going to try to get all 5 of them there" he said. "Okay I'm trusting you man" I said as I looked at my phone.
From: Red Riding Hood 👑💕
- I'll be down in 10 minutes! 😝😜
To: Red Riding Hood 👑💕
-okay take all the time you need 😊
*locked phone*

Amy's POV
I went upstairs and ran into my room.
"Hmm what should I wear today?" I thought to myself . I walked to my drawer and took my under garments and walked to my closet. Hmmm? *knock, knock* "come in" I said as I see my sister come in with a bag. "Hey love, I got you something." She said walking closer to me handing me the bag. "Since I know that you like galaxy and you were wanting clothes with galaxy print on it....well" she said. I start to open the bag and i see the doors to heaven. There's black boot heels, galaxy leggings, a galaxy skirt etc. "oh thank you Zoe, I love you so much" I said as I went to hug her. "Love you too, go take a shower and I'll pick out your outfit. Go, go, go!" She said pushing me into the bathroom.

Zoe's POV
I got Amy some stuff that she wanted. Because she always loves when I buy her clothes. My parents never buy us clothes they just leave us money in our bank account. And Amy & Emily make money by going to dance competitions. So I decided to buy her some "fancier stuff". Stuff that matches her.
After I literally pushed her into the bathroom. I started to pick clothing items. Finally I chose a small shirt technically a bra with a galaxy skirt and black heel boots with spikes. I remember I bought her those a fee months ago. I took out the curling iron and a galaxy head band. I left a note saying "call me so i can do you make up". I ran down stairs with a bag with clothes and the normal stuff a girl needs and saw Hayes "where are you planning in taking Amy?". We'll I wanted to take her to mall and then to a restaurant, and lastly to a park to ask her out. But Nash told me I need to take her to out hotel after. "Okay perfect let me put this here" I said, while I put the bag behind the couch. "I'll talk to Nash about what's going on, then text you if he tells me anything" I said. "Okay" hayes said.

Amy's POV
I come out of the shower and see the most cutest outfit ever. I get dressed, wow my sister has a good taste. I look at the boots. I love these!!!! I put them on and get a small black purse, I stick my wallet in there and my phone. I saw the curling iron 😏 I see what my sister did there. I curled my hair fast and put the head band on. "Zoeeeeeeyyyyyyyy" I screamed. "Yeahhhhhhh" she screamed back, "I'm DOOOONNNEEEE" I screamed back! "Okay" she said rushing through the door. She put my make-up in fast! "Okay you look good" she said as she slapped my butt. "Go get em tiger"she added. I busted laugh. What would I do without her:

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