Chapter 26

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Emily's POV
I need to get ready! What the hell should I wear? Something casual right? Yeah! Wait let me text Amy
To: Dance Buddy 😈👯
-did you talk to Jack?
From: Dance Buddy 😈👯
-yeah his going going to call you.
To: Dance Buddy 😈👯
- okay perfect
*locked phone*
Incoming call......
Jack Gilinsky💘

-Yeah umm..Emily I was wondering. Would you like to go to the movies with me?
~Umm sure? What time?
-Well in 30 minutes I'll be there?
~Okay. Perfect thanks.
Now let me get ready!
I ran up into my room! Okay I think I know exactly what to wear. Amy and I have the same clothes. We'll sorta. We have a big photo shoot coming up so we kind of bought the same clothes. I took out a cute white crop top with pink high wasted shorts. And my light pink Dr.Martens. A light pink flower crown and my grey knit cardigan. Perfect! Make up time! "Zoe, I need your help" I scream down stairs. "Yeah coming"......

"What's wrong? You look perfect?" She said. "I need help with my make up" I said. "I got you and I'll do one more thing".

Jack G's POV
Wow looks just like the house we where at yesterday. Nash sent me this address so let's see.
*knock knock*
"Hey Jack"
"Sup Nash"
"Is Emily here"
"Yeah let me call her"
"EMIIILLLLYYY, JACKS HERE" he said screaming,
"🙉 oh my lord" I said out loud. She looked amazing. Her hair was just so......and her eyes....WOW! "Jack?" She said softly. "Huh what?" I said. "Are we going to go to the movies?" She said. "Oh yeah....sorry you caught my eye and I just couldn't stop staring. 🙊 crap, did I just say that!!! Well I think she didn't take it like a stalker more like a compliment. "Let's go!"

"Can we take a selfie?" I ask her. "Sure" In the 1st selfie she kissed my cheek and in the 2nd one we both smiled. "Okay what movie do you wanna see?" I asked Emily. "What about...... The Boy next door?" She said while winking at me. "Sure" I said. "2 tickets for The Boy Next Door".

*Skip Movie*

Emily's POV
"Thanks Jack for taking me to the movies. What time is it" I asked. "It's 8:20, wait Nash says to go to the hotel that it's a M.E.P.M" he said. "What the hell is a M.E.P.M?" I asked him. "I have no idea, let's go find out" he said before he grabbed my hand.

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