vii. Here With Me

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 tw: hanging, gore

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Somewhere in the Enchanted Forest. Present-day.


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THE LIGHTS WERE blinding as Erica gripped onto Jaclyn's arms, too scared to even think about letting go. She had never been to a palace before and her heart was thudding in her chest, she felt hot all over and a coil of tension settled in her stomach making her feel sick. How the hell was she supposed to act like a princess? The closest she had gotten to ever being a princess was playing dress-up with Emma and then when she met Jonesy, a man slightly older than herself who liked to dress up in drag. 

She used to help dress him up and do his makeup and go to his shows, sometimes filling in for people that can't do the shows. Jonesy was one of her first real friends as well as Georgina, and they kept her above water while Emma was doing her sentence. 

"You back with us, sweetheart?" Jaclyn whispers in her ear as she nips the shell of Erica's ear, dragging her attention back to where she was currently and Erica's gaze flittered from Jaclyn to Will and Elizabeth who was standing just off to the side, their faces were obscured by magic but if she squinted she could just about make out the facial features  of Elizabeth and Will

"I'm not sure I can do this," Erica breathed, getting ready to run away but Jaclyn didn't let her. Instead, moving so she was in front of Erica and took her hands so she couldn't pull away without at least a little bit of effort 

"You listen now, you are a gorgeous woman with a passion for other people and I love that about you, you are a fierce woman who always does what you think is best, creating trouble at the drop of a hat, and I couldn't ask for a better person to be my girlfriend," Jaclyn told her, voice low and she smiled in Erica's direction so that Erica knew even if her words weren't loud they were true.

"Thanks and hey I know you're nervous too, you know and all I have to say is you don't need to be. You're here with me and even though you're nervous you have no reason to be -- you are after all effortless in everything you do and I'm forever grateful to you"

"I will always be here for you" 

"I know"

Jaclyn took her arm and looped it over her own arm, a grin slicing her features as they walk down the last few steps of the grand staircase before moving forward to where other people were already twirling in concise and tight circles with the Turners to their left, their feet moving in perfect time with each other and dazed smiles on their faces as they did the steps as if there was nothing to them 

"Ignore them, sweetheart, Lizzie's been dancing like this since she was a little girl. She used to be the daughter of a British Governer and with that comes the high-class life and many luxuries" Jaclyn informed her softly through a hiss as the brunette twirled her, the dress trailing around her and she felt a bit lightheaded but she plastered a smile on her face all the same 

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