XXViii. Never Forget

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Shipwreck Cove. Present-day.


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THERE WERE FEW things that Jaclyn Sparrow actually understood.

Jaclyn's life was forever changing in a whirlwind of chaos, with new faces to remember and old ones to forget every couple of years (or maybe it's sixty to seventy years, Jaclyn forgot because everything blurs together when time doesn't move on). Sometimes there are memories or symbols of people that she has to ink on her skin to make herself remember. To never forget.

Jaclyn didn't understand the fragility of the human mind

Despite everything and all she has seen and even knows from different people and the infinite possibilities of magic that have been displayed to her, she learnt more about magic than she lets on, having been introduced to magic at such a young age and knowing about the existence of Gods and curses even before she stepped foot in the Enchanted Forest. There were still bits of magic that she didn't fully understand. No matter how many nights she had sat with Erica curled in their room and explaining the ways she knew of magic

Forgetting to mention that she didn't really understand the depths of magic herself as she hadn't actuit for herself, she had been in control of some powerful objects (including holding Poseidon's trident in her grasp -- she doubted that even the imp had done that in his lifetime. But he was dead now, so it didn't realer)

He was dead and that was it

She could finally breathe

It had seemed she had been on a wild ride of vengeance for the past few centuries and of course, she plunged head first into it, wanting to protect Killian as much as she could because despite it all she knew is that Killian was still a good person at heart, he didn't deserve the unkind hand that life had dealt him. Deep down he was still the Navy officer that wanted to make his brother proud and Jaclyn was a pirate -- always had been and always would be no matter how many times she tried to convince herself she wasn't, that was another thing she didn't understand

It was the fact that she kept running back towards the pirate life

Jaclyn supposed she liked the freedom that came with that kind of line of work. She had never liked the political side of things, however, she had to pull herself up by her bootstraps and deal with it as much as she didn't like its politics was in the blood of every pirate whether they were aware of it or not

Jaclyn was a pirate through and through and that was never going to change, that was one thing she knew for sure. She was going to be a pirate until the day she died -- however that may be, she hoped she could find another way to seek eternal life, maybe this time Erica would join her? She remember their conversation in the castle belonging to Rapunzel which seemed like ages ago now

So much has happened since then

Or perhaps this time with Erica by her side, she would finally bare witness to the joys and pitfalls of growing old like any other and eventually after more than a full life lived pass on and not have to worry about the changing world anytime soon

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