ensley's two sweet second birthday!

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*The Creedon-Van Reekum's celebrate Ensley's second birthday with some family and a lot of friends! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🍰🍩🍭🧁🍫🍬*

Today is Ensley's SECOND birthday!

Two years ago, Ensley Patricia Creedon-Van Reekum was born at the hospital of a c-section because she decided to flip and have her umbilical cord around her neck.

Ensley looks a lot like PK's mother Lorie and grandmother Patricia who everyone happily calls GP or Grandma Pat.

Ensley has shoulder length blonde hair and she loves wearing dresses and having her hair in different styles. Ensley is an active and happy headstarter who loves anything sweet, anything princesses and dancing!

Today, Ensley is going to have a sweets themed birthday party to celebrate his second birthday!

Ensley is SO excited because she is going to have a fun day with all of her best friends!

Last night, PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley and Weston all had a fun Zoom call with John, Lorie, Grandma Pat, Florence, Richard, Erin, Conor, Sean and Kim!

Due to their work schedules and the pandemic still sadly happening, they are unable to attend Ensley's birthday party but they will all come to visit for Thanksgiving and the triplets' first birthday which is in a few weeks.

One by one, Ensley opens up her birthday presents from her Poppy, Mimi, GP, Nana, Uncle Richard, Auntie Erin, Conor, Uncle Sean and Auntie Kim!

Ensley happily thanked her Poppy, Mimi, GP, aunties and uncles and she enjoys all of she birthday presents from everyone!

PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley and Weston all talked with John, Lorie, Grandma Pat, Florence, Richard, Erin, Conor, Sean and Kim for another thirty minutes before ending the Zoom call!

Ensley also received birthday gifts from Mike's grandpa Jan, grandma Wil, aunts Carla and Daphne, uncles Nicole and David and even from some of Kim's family, her mom Liz, dad Bill and sister Adrienne!

Right now, PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, Weston and the dogs Beau and Poppy are getting ready for Ensley's birthday party to start!

Right now, PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley, Weston and the dogs Beau and Poppy are getting ready for Ensley's birthday party to start!

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"Are you excited for your birthday party today, Ensy?" PK asks Ensley as he fixes Ensley's ponytails and her dress.

"YEAH YEAH YEAH! I soooo cited, Daddy!" Ensley says as she jumps up and down happily.

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