blakelyn + paisley's kindergarten graduation!

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*The Creedon-Van Reekum twins Blakelyn and Paisley have graduated kindergarten! Enjoy this small chapter! Love • Bree 👩🏼‍🎓👩🏼‍🎓🌈💖💖*

The Kindergarten Graduating Class

The Kindergarten Graduating Class

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*Kindergarten Graduating Class*

*Blakelyn and Paisley's kindergarten graduation outfits*

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*Blakelyn and Paisley's kindergarten graduation outfits*

*John, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley and Weston's outfits*

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*John, Grayson, Ensley, Addelyn, Wiley and Weston's outfits*

*Picture of Blakelyn smiling as she holds her kindergarten graduation certificate*
pk514 Blakelyn Lorie 👧🏼 Blakelyn had such a wonderful school year! Blakelyn has been doing so well with her reading and math skills just like Paisley is as well as doing great with her speech and ABA therapies! Blakelyn has fallen in love with art and she has a few pieces they I adore! I am so proud of her! 💗

*Picture of Paisley smiling as she holds her kindergarten graduation certificate*
pk514 Paisley Florence 👧🏼 Paisley also had a wonderful school year! Paisley is doing a great job learning how to read, learning basic math and other things! Paisley is such a social butterfly and she loves to help Blakelyn with talking to others since she is super shy 🥺 I am so proud of her 💗

*Picture of Blakelyn and Paisley both standing together and they are holding each other's hands as they both smile*
pk514 My beautiful twin girls, kindergarten graduates and almost six years old! These two excelled in kindergarten and onto first grade they go! 👯‍♀️

*Picture of Blakelyn, PK and Paisley all standing together. PK has his arms wrapped around the girls and the girls are hugging on his baby bump*
pk514 Proud Dad moment with my big girls! 🥹

*Picture of PK, Wiley, Grayson, Blakelyn, Paisley, John, Ensley, Addelyn, Mike and Weston all standing together. PK is holding Wiley and Mike is holding Addelyn and Weston*
pk514 You know me, every event we need a family picture! 😘😇😍

*Picture of Blakelyn and Paisley hugging each other and they both smile at Mike*
mr_mikeyv These girls are excited for their kindergarten graduation ceremony today! 😊😘

*Picture of Blakelyn and Paisley happily standing together and they are holding their kindergarten graduation certificates*
mr_mikeyv Blakey and Paisy are officially first graders! 👩🏼‍🎓👩🏼‍🎓

*Picture of Blakelyn and Mike. Mike is holding Blakelyn and Blakelyn is hugging Mike*
mr_mikeyv This girl did amazing this school year! Right on track with her peers! So proud of you Blakey! 💖💖

*Picture of Mike and Paisley. Mike is holding a Paisley and Paisley is kissing Mike*
mr_mikeyv This girl also did amazing this school year! She is right on track with her peers too and has so many friends! She even helps Blakelyn make friends 💖💖

*Picture of Mike, Paisley, Blakelyn and PK all standing together*
mr_mikeyv We did it, @pk514! Another kindergarten graduation down 🥹😭👯‍♀️😘

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