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It's getting late here I am, lying in bed wide awake.
Nearing 3am, why can't I get over this stupid mistake?
I don't know how, maybe it'll come to me someday.
My mind keeps wandering wild but my body's still bound
To my bed while my thoughts are screaming out loud,
"Get over it, just be better, what's wrong with you anyway?"

Not as simple as flicking on the light,
Sweat glistening as I sit bolt upright
In the dark, the nightmares still lurking out of sight.
Rest my head in my knees and cradle myself like a child
With my demons surrounding me, suffocating me,
How will I ever escape?

Tears form in the corners of my eyes,
Blink them back pull up the disguise.
The pain in my chest, impossible to ease or medicate.
"I'm fine, everything's fine."
Those words so cliché but they fill all our mouths
In pity, staring at those who lost the battle in crowds.

Sunk to the ground, come undone, spiralling out of control,
A beautiful mess raging war on my soul.
Disgust all around, reflected in their eyes,
"Get better", hypocrisy, cause they've all been there once before.

On the edge of a cliff, falling deeper into the precipice
How do you climb when everything's falling down?
That's what it feels like life's become,
Taking a step forward only to fall further behind.

You can't flip the script till you know all the lines
And my heart is my diary, the words etched deep inside.
These whispers taunting my mind.
Back to my bedroom the doors open wide,
But not a soul is there but mine.

Panic rising, the rain's coming in.
Tides flooding my face, won't someone be here
To give me something to hold on to.
And despite it all I find myself wishing for those deep eyes,
To look into mine, to see through the lies
Embrace me, begging unpoken understanding.
And silently begging me to breathe, just breathe.

Hello all, long time no see. A lot of stuff has been going on lately and sometimes it feels incredibly hard to get through.

I think it's fair to say we all have those times where people tell us to just breathe and they can be more of a hinderence than a help but sometimes we need something simple to speak louder than words and that can help us get through it and breathe.
Even though I didn't spend more than 10 minutes on this I just thought I'd put this up.

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