Stand Again

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Note: I dedicate this poem to anyone who has been bullied. My message to you is: Though times may be rough and it may look like the sun will never shine again, keep picking yourself back up. Because each time you do, it makes you stronger.

Alive, breathing,
I rise from the floor,
Wounded, broken,
I'd fallen to the ground,
But now, regenerated,
I stand again,

Stabbed, with words,
More powerful than any knife,
Thrown, Flung,
With a force more powerful than man,
Beaten, with fury,
Merciless to my soul,

Living in a society,
Where you must live up to standards,
Existing in a world,
With war and hatred,
People suffering,
At the hands of greed,

Though I've been hurt now,
I rise from the ground,
They've wounded me, but not fatally,
I will stand again,
I'm still breathing, I'm still fighting,

Friendship and love fuel me,
Give me a feeling of belonging,
That's worth fighting for,
Can you hear me calling your name,
Can you feel me reaching out to you,
I'm alive, my heart's still beating,

Every time I get back up,
It eventually makes me stronger,
I'll live to see another day,
They've pierced me with words,
But those wounds will heal,
The scars will fade,
And I will stand again.

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