Heart of Stone

14 3 0

Some people feel like they don't deserve love,
Happiness, affection, connections...
They slip into the seclusion
Of empty spaces,
Stuck in the past,

The pain.

The memories.

And what caused them.

But they fail to see,
While dwelling on the missing piece.
That the piece is a misunderstanding
Of the truth behind love.
With love, comes loss.

And it hurts,
But ultimately it's all worth it.
If the feeling is mutual,
The battle is fought together.

Not from opposite ends.

It takes two ends to tie a knot,
Or else one slips it's fingers




In dark times we must always,
Keep walking towards the bright side.
Don't pull back to the darkness.
Take a deep breath.
Place one foot in front of the other.
And keep going.

Let go of the pain,
Hardening yet tearing at your soul.
A stone heart with a spiderweb
Of cracks.
Threatening to shatter and break.

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