Missing you

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I stood alone
On this empty path,
My feet carry me
Back to all that I had.

I shone my light
Into the night,
I see the stars above
And they twinkle benign.

Dear best friend
Where are you now?
Are you thinking of me
Wherever you are?

Can you give me a sign,
Whisper a word?
Can you reassure me
That I'll see you again?

I see your face,
In all I do.
I hear your laughter
On the wind as it roars.

I walked across,
The field of dreams.
I walked for miles
Through the galactic abyss.

Can you hear my call?
Calling out for you.
I'm feeling lonely
And you're all that I need.

My love lost,
In ocean deep.
Stuck in a bottle
Waiting to be released.

And when I finally
Return to that place
That we first knew.
Will you take me

Back with you?
Can you light
My spark for me again?
So I can feel whole once more.

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