First Love

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It all starts with a feeling,
It's hard to describe but it's like flying,
Higher and faster than any bird,
And the heartbeat is a metronome.

It isn't always the same,
But there's the crushing,
The flirty texts,

The falling,

And then the bond,

Then there's the first kiss,
The fireworks exploding in the chest,
And you feel like you're on top of the world,
Like nothing can go wrong,
Like no one can bring you down,

And you spend the hours and days and weeks,
Talking and laughing,
And having fun.
Being together,
Exploring the world together,
Being in love.
And everything feels perfect.

Like nothing could go wrong.

But then there's the fighting,
Times when you just can't see the same page,
And the misunderstanding,
That just because you disagree,
Means you don't love each other anymore,

The parts that we'd rather not remember.

Maybe first love isn't meant to last forever,
Maybe we didn't know how to make it last,
Maybe it's all just a learning curve,
We were young,
We fought,
We had our differences but we loved each other.
Love is messy, hard and imperfect
But that's what love is like.
It isn't easy.
Maybe it doesn't mean much now,
If anything at all,
But it meant something then.

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