Little bird

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You're like a bird,
Locked away in a cage of misery
That they called life,
They took your voice
So you couldn't cry,
They clipped your wings
Keeping you captive in your hell,

And their malicious faces are all you see,
You are curled in the sheets
Of regrets and pain,
And they're slowly constricting you,
But you won't let them beat you,
You keep on getting up when you fall
Don't let it break you,

You know you will escape someday,
So you can spread those wings
And fly away
To a better place,

Your cries are like a river,
Flowing and ebbing with no end,
But they don't care they force you on,
Telling you a bird needs to sing,
And you put all your emotion into the song,
But they don't hear it while they sleep,
They block you out and neglect you,
They believe they're raising you right,
But they're wrong,

You're like a little bird,
Left in the nest, abandoned by them all,
But your fate isn't sealed, there is a crack in the wall
So break free from the cell,
Spread your wings
And fly away,
Far far away from here,
To a better place.

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