What happened to us?

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I can't believe what just happened,
My blood is seething in shock.
I have to look again to believe it,
But my brain can't process what,
We've just done.

I never in my wildest dreams
Imagined that this could happen.
When I first met you it was so perfect,
We clicked like a clasp,
But now we're cracked
And close to breaking.

What happened to us?
Whatever happened?
To our friendship and our trust.
I know I made a mistake,
But I was trying to fix it.
I never meant for us to come undone.

To fall down and break apart,
Like a necklace whose chain
Has snapped.

I never imagined you'd sting me
Like this and it hurts so much.
To see you turn around
And leave me in the dust.

I've cracked the glass and I know it,
I'm trying to patch it up,
But I left it in the heat too long
And now it's ready to bust.

I never meant to hurt you,
I tried to do what was best.
But either way this blade has two sides.
I want to tell you I'm so sorry,
For all the pain I've caused.
And go back to what we had.

What did we do?
How could we let our bond,
Our friendship
Shatter like this?
I may have messed it up,
But at the time I didn't know.
I tried to do what's best for both.

Still we're broken,
I don't know what to do.
I'm still in shock,
From all we've said and done.

And I'm trying to find
All the little fragments,
So I can try put back together
The amazing friendship we once had.
But if I'm the only one trying,

To put our friendship back together,
If you really don't care.
Then I'll have to let go.
Because if you really don't want me
In your life anymore.
Then I'll let go.

My Book of PoetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora