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It all seems so perfect,
Their smiles are complete,
Their fingers interlinked.
But if you look closer
You'll see the cracks between their hands,
The distance between  them,
A wall of misery.
They laugh with each other but
It's all a show,
It's all a lie.

If you looked under the bed,
You'd see all the evidence,
Of the crime he's committed,
Hidden in the dark,

There's hair on his clothes that isn't hers,
Lipstick on his shirts and a sign on his neck,
Screaming "It's all a lie!"

He says all the things a good man should say,
But buried in the dark the mistress stirs.
She acts like the perfect girl,
Always smiling like there's nothing wrong,
But she isn't so innocent either.

If you looked in the car trunk,
There's a sweater that isn't his,
An unfamiliar cologne permeating the apparel,
Crying out "it's all a lie!"

She does all the things
A good girl should do.
But deep in her heart she's restless.
Rebelling isn't easy.
But she's not making it any easier for herself,
She's plunging deeper into the chaos.

If they looked through the drawers,
The unfamiliar scents,
The clothes jumbled in piles isn't right,

If you looked through their closets,
The mysteries unfold,
How do they not see it?
Or do they know?

This storm that's trapped,
Beneath the lies,
Slowly tearing them apart.

Yes it looks perfect from the outside,
But deep inside it's a mess.

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