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Their words are knives in my chest,
The blood bursting in torrents,
Only so much to lose
Before it'll ever stop,
These wounds are uncanny,
They don't want to heal,
But they don't seem to go away,
And they keep opening up.

The little light I have left,
Is sputtering in my chest,
My candle keeps burning,
Even though the fire isn't strong,
I keep going on,

Peeking out from under my cloak
I hope they can't see the bruises beneath
All of the makeup I've put to hide
What's really going on,
And the storm cloud hangs over my head,
Threatening to unleash it's fury

I gaze into your unsuspecting eyes
And I know that I can't tell you
what's really happening,
Because I'm afraid you'll run away,
Just like everyone else
I tried to confide in,
I don't want to lose another friend.

I half hope you'll see through it,
And tell me that you would never leave
Me behind,
But I know that clouds don't shift without wind.

Maybe one day I'll tell you
And maybe you won't run away,
Maybe you're the one out there who
Is willing to stay,
And piece me back together,
Even if it's hard,
And not all the pieces fit,

But for now, until that day lightens,

I stay hidden

Beneath my mask.

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