How does it feel?

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I don't know if you've looked
In the mirror recently,
Has anything changed?
It's been a while since I last saw you,
But I want you to know,
I haven't got bad blood for you.

You've said something
You can't undo,
You shut me out,
I'm not trying to come back,
I'm just wondering,

How does it feel?

Now I'm no longer in
Your life anymore.
Does it feel the same?
Are you relieved?

How does it feel?

To be apart from me,
Divided, separated, whatever you call it,
Do you have regrets?
I know we were young,
I know I made mistakes too,
But that doesn't make it hurt any less.
How does it feel?
Now that you've lost me.

Your world keeps turning,
Like nothing ever changed.
I haven't fallen apart,
I miss my old friend,
But I know you need space,

I'm not trying to come back,
I know you've moved on,
I have too,
I just had a thought a while ago,
And I wondered,

How does it feel?

To keep walking on,
With your shadow for company.
Do you get lonely?
Do your friends not understand?

How does it feel?

I know I wasn't perfect,
Nobody is, it's all a trick,
Did I let you down,
Do you care anymore?
That I'm gone.
I just want to know,
How does it feel?
How does it feel?
Now you don't have me.

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