Chapter Two - Tegan

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Chapter Two – Tegan

Daisy's POV

"Tegan, sweetheart," I said softly waking my daughter up. "It's time to get darling. Don't want to be late do we?" I may pay my fair share for the food in the house but that means nothing to my step-dad Chris. If we're up too late then it's no breakfast, nothing until lunchtime. I can cope with that, but it's not fair on Tee.

"No mummy." She whispered as she woke up. 

"Come on then. Breakfast time." I told her, picking her up and placing her on my hip and carried her downstairs into the kitchen.  I strapped her into her high chair and filled a toddler beaker with some juice and gave it to her.

"I've made some pancakes for you both Daisy." Mum informed me, pointing to a plate with 6 pancakes on. I cut up two on a pink plastic plate for Tegan along with some chopped up banana.

"Here you are darling." I placed the plate down in front of her with a matching pink plastic fork.

"Fank you mummy." She grinned, stabbing at the pancake pieces with her fork. I loved how she couldn't quite say the 'th' sound and so replaced it with an 'f' sound. I sure am going to miss her. But it's for the best. I've got to do what's best for Tegan. 


Tee had been bathed, dressed, teeth brushed, face washed and hair plaited. Now all that had to be done was the packing. I pulled out her pink suitcase and filled it with her clothes.

"Where are we going mummy?" She asked, pausing from her colouring to look up at me.

"Darling, I've already told you. You're going to see daddy." I said, trying my best not to cry. 

"What if daddy doesn't like me?" She whispered. 

"Tegan come here princess." I said, kneeling on the floor and holding my arms out to her. She ran up to me and curled into my lap. "Daddy is going to love you very much. He will be a very good daddy and look after you just like mummy does." I reassured her, but part of me knew that I was reassuring myself more than I was Tee. "No need for tears babe." I stroked her tears away with my thumb. 

"When will I see daddy?" Tegan asked, sniffing.

"As soon as your packing is done." I told her, cheering up so that she was happy. Tegan hopped off my lap and over to her box of toys. She pulled some of her favourite ones out and carried them one by one over to her suitcase. 

"Done!" She announced, jumping up and down a little bit in excitement. It's good she's excited I reminded myself. It's good that she wants to meet her dad.

"Good girl." I kissed her forehead before standing up myself. I picked up her suitcase and held out my hand for her to hold on to. "Lets go and say goodbye to grandma shall we?" I helped her down the stairs slowly, making sure that she didn't trip or anything before walking into the lounge to say goodbye. 

"Bye lovely." Chris said, bending down to her level to kiss her head before lifting her up. Tegan giggle wildly. 

"Daisy, sweetheart, I've phoned Karen and she'll make sure that Liam's waiting." Mum told me, rubbing my shoulder gently. "You know it's the right thing to do." But was it? This news could ruin his career. But then what about Tee? I had to put her first. I had to make sure that Tegan was going to be safe.


I pulled up at the same familiar house I had been to many times before. 

"Here we are sweetheart." I said, unbuckling Tegan from her car seat and holding her on my hip.

"Does daddy live here?" She asked, pointing to the door. How could I say no? How could I tell her that she would be with her dad in London?

"We'll have to see won't we?" I lifted her suitcase out of the car and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for it to be opened. Liam opened the door. His chocolate eyes sparkling in the June sunlight.

"Daisy?" He asked, squinting his eyes as if he's trying to remember me.

"Yep." I said, popping the 'p'. "That's me." He pulled me in to a hug, which was a little awkward because of Tegan.

"Long time no see. How have things been?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

"Well, nothing new expect for this little one." I said, motioning my head towards Tee.

"And who is this little one?" He asked smiling broadly at her smiling face.

"Tegan." I told him. "Your daughter." 

Feedback very much appreciated!! 

Emily xxx

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