Chapter Fourteen

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I feel you might hate me for this. Please don't hate me. 

Chapter 14

Tegan’s POV

I closed my chemistry textbook and slouched down further into my chair, sighing with relief. Four hours after daddy left and I had finally finished my homework.

My stomach groaned in hunger angrily, but I just ignored it. Rachel hadn’t allowed me to eat, saying that I was too fat. I don’t know why she tells me that. I already know that I’m too fat. Why tell me something I already know?

 I trudged downstairs to get a glass of water.

“What are you doing down here bitch?” Rachel growled with an evil glint in her eyes.

“Just getting some water.” I told her, flipping my side fringe out of my eyes.

“Well could you just not?!” Rachel shouted at me, startling me slightly. “Why are you even here anyways? Liam doesn’t want you.”

“I live here Rachel,” I told her, swallowing my tears. “This is my home.”

“But only because your mum abandoned you, and lets fact it, who can blame her? I’m surprised Liam has put up with you for as long as he has.” She snapped.

That was it. That was all I could take.

“You don’t know anything Rachel!” I yelled, before running out of the front door.  I have no idea where I’m going, I just keep running. I roughly wiped my tears away every now and then. But only because I know what Rachel said was true. Who could blame my mum for leaving me?  I wouldn’t want me, I don’t want me, so why on earth would someone else want me?

Liam’s POV

 Another tour. That’s what the meeting was about. One more tour with all our families.

“If you guys wanna come back to mine for pizza we need to get a move on, Tee will probably have destroyed the house by now.” I told them, reminding myself that Zayn had asked to come back to mine after saying something to Tee last night.

They nodded and we all piled into our cars and drove back to mine. Rachy was curled up on the sofa watching some random TV show, I sat on the arm of the sofa and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, kissing her forehead.

“Tee still doing homework?” I asked, surprised that she was actually working.

“No, she got mad at me and just ran off, saying she’d be back in an hour.” Rachel replied, shrugging it off.

“What? You’ve got no idea where she is?!” I said, worry filling my voice.

Rachel’s POV

“Liam, I’m sorry, but she was saying that I’m only with you for the money and fame and lies like that and I just can’t deal with that.” I said faking tears and helplessness.

Of course I’m not with Liam for the money or fame; I’m with him to help Daisy get her daughter back. And how I’m going to do that you ask, well, that’s easy. She’s such an emotional teenager, so making her feel so unwanted that she going running back to her mummy seems like the best option. And so far it seems to be working.

“I’m sorry babe,” Liam said softly, hugging me tightly and kissing me softly on the lips. “I’ll talk to her later.”

“You seem to be forgetting one thing there Liam,” Zayn said, anger evident in his voice. “You’re 13 year old is missing.” He stormed off, slamming the door behind him.

Well step one, get Liam more worried about me than her, is complete.

Zayn’s POV

How could Liam believe her over his daughter? I don’t blame Tee-Tee for not getting on with her. Someone about her doesn’t seem quite right, I just can’t set my mind on it.

I slammed my car door and sped off, in hope of finding Tegan. I drove up to some cliffs that she told me she went to when she needed to think.

“Tegan where are you?” I said quietly to myself as rain began beating down on the windscreen. I was driving slowly and searching ever place possible through the windows.

Thankfully it was still light and I was able to make out a figure standing close to the end. I pulled over and got out, not bothering about the rain pouring from the sky.

“Tee-Tee?” I said in disbelief as I squinted at the figure of a teenage girl.

Tegan’s POV

 I kept running until I got to the cliffs a little out of town. I stood close to the edge, the heavy rain mixing with my tears. It was daylight but I didn’t care that people could see me. No one wants me and I don’t want myself so why should I stay alive?

if you like Rachel after this chapter, I have nothing to say to you

hope you liked it though...maybe you won't have done, it was kinda sad, but I still hope you like it 

Em xx

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