Chapter 21

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So the time for another chapter has arrived :) hope you enjoy it 

Chapter 21

Zayn’s POV

Liam hadn’t left his daughters side the whole week since we found out she’s in a coma. Thankfully Daisy has been arrested and is awaiting a trial, but that doesn’t stop the fact that Tee-Tee is now lying in a coma plugged into so many machines it seems like she’s barely alive on her own.

“Liam, why don’t you go have a shower and freshen up a little bit?” I asked him as he held onto Tegan’s hand tightly.

“I can’t leave her Zayn, what if something happens and I’m not here?” He asked, his eyes transfixed on her.

“We’ll all be here, and if anything does happen then we’ll call you straight away.” I promised.

“Just a shower yeah?” He asked, slowly tearing his gaze away from Tee-Tee.

“If that’s all you want.” I agreed, yes he needs a goodnights sleep in a bed but a shower is better than nothing right?

“Okay.” Liam nodded slightly, standing up and whispering something to Tegan before pressing a kiss gently onto her forehead, and following Louis who had offered to drive.

I sat down next to Tee-Tee and stroked her bony hands.

“Please wake-up Tee-Tee, your daddy needs you.”

****flashback to when Tegan was 7****

“You’ll be a good girl for uncle Zee won’t you Tee?” Liam asked her, crouching down in front of her so they were at eye level with each other.

“Yes daddy.” She smiled, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tightly.

“I’ll see you tomorrow okay,” He told her, hugging her back. “I love you.”

“I love you too daddy.” Liam kissed her forehead and hugged her one last time before standing up again.

“Thanks for this Zayn.” Liam thanked me for a billionth time.

“No worries, you deserve a night out.”

“Cheers mate,” He smiled walking out the door to my flat. “Bye Tee”

“Bye daddy.” Tee-Tee waved.

“Right then darling, it’s just you and me now.”

So far everything has been rather successful; Tegan had eaten her tea with no bother and was now in her pyjamas before watching a film before bed time.

“Can we watch The Little Mermaid please uncle Zee?” Tee-Tee asked, holding onto her teddy bear. I nodded my head and put the disk into the DVD player. I’d brought down some fleecy blankets and Tee had cuddled up to me, wrapped up in a blanket.

By the time the film was over, Tee-Tee’s eyes were drooping and her head was resting on my shoulder. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, waking her slightly to brush her teeth before taking her to her room for the night. I placed her on the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. I read her a really quick little story I saw poking out of her bag and by the time that was over, Tegan was well and truly asleep. I kissed her forehead and left, switching the lights out on my way.

(le morning)

I was making some breakfast when I saw Tegan stood in the doorway to the kitchen.

“Morning sweetheart, did you sleep okay?” I asked, flipping the pancakes.

“Morning, yeah. I miss daddy though.” She said, hopping up into a chair at the table.

“I know love, but daddy will be coming to pick you up soon.” I put a stack of pancakes onto the table with some syrup and a bowl of some chopped bananas along with a jug of orange juice. “Help yourself love.” I told her, passing her a plate.

After breakfast Tegan managed to bath herself with me standing outside the door in case anything happened and then she sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table colouring in.

When the doorbell rang, quite obviously being Liam, I was surprised when Tee didn’t rush to the door.

“Do you want to answer the door?” I asked her, standing up.

“I need to finish daddy’s picture.” She told me, picking out another colour. I nodded and answered the door, greeting Liam with a manly hug.

“How was it last night?” I asked, shutting the door.

“Yeah it was good thanks.” Liam smiled. “How was Tee.”

“Good as gold.” I smiled back. “Coffee?” I offered.

“No thanks mate.”

“Tee-Tee, your daddy is here.” I told her, seeing that she was engrossed in her drawing.

“Daddy!” She cheered, running towards Liam’s open arms. “I loved staying with uncle Zee, but I missed you lots daddy.”

“I missed you too princess.”

****end of flashback****

so erm, yeah...that's chapter 21

please vote and comment, it literally makes me so happy to see peoples comments

enjoy the rest of the week, and watch out for the next chapter coming soon

Em xx

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