Chapter 20

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So basically since school only started last Thursday and my home study periods are 2 hours and 45 I have very little work to do. I've pretty much written to the end of this book, but I will only be uploading one chpater a week to prolong the ending and also because I don't know when I'll be able to write more for Silent Secrets, which is on hold by the way because I'm nore sure how to go about writing what I want to write.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter :)

Chapter 20

Liam’s POV

I paced up and down the corridor waiting to hear something on Tee. They won’t let me see her but they won’t tell me anything either.

“Are you related to Tegan Payne?” One of the doctors asked me, after what seemed like an eternity.

“Yes, I’m her father.” I replied, a slight sense of panic rising inside me.

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but Tegan is in a coma.” He said, looking down at his clipboard briefly. “We’ve flushed her stomach out with charcoal as much as possible without her being awake, but it’s all a waiting game now. If she wakes up –

“When she awakes up you mean.” I cut him off and corrected him.

“Er, yes. When she wakes up, some sort of therapy will be required.” The doctor chap continued. “You may go and see her now.”

I took a deep breath and then pushed the door to her hospital room open. She was lying on an uncomfortable looking bed with numerous tubes and wires sticking out of her, not looking anything like a human at all. Her skin was pale and her hair was messily spread about on her pillow.

I sat down on a chair and took hold of her hand, stroking it gently.

“Hi princess, it’s daddy.” I said, choking away the tears. “I’m not mad at you, I could never be mad at you. I just want you to wake up; I just want to see your smile again. Please princess, please don’t leave me.” I let my tears get the better of me as I kissed her hand softly, holding on to her for dear life.

****flashback to when Tegan was 3****

“Daddy wake up!” Tegan giggled, jumping up and down on top of my bed. I groaned slightly, before reaching my hands up and grabbing her by the waist and snuggling up with her.

“Morning princess.” I said, basically half asleep.

“Daddy it’s Christmas, we don’t have time for cuddles!” Tee announced, trying to sit up. I laughed at how excited she was, but I was pleased because it’s her first Christmas with me and I couldn’t help but feel a little worried that she was going to rather be with Daisy. “Come on daddy, we have to check if Santa’s been and drank all the milk and taken the carrots we left for Rudolph and then we have to phone uncle Ni and uncle Zee and uncle Lou and uncle Haz and see if Santa went to see them in the night.” She gabbled, trying to count each thing on her fingers, as if she was making an important list or something.

“Baby, it’s only 6 o’clock in the morning,” I chuckled, stroking her hair. “I don’t think they’ll be awake.” As soon as I said that, my mobile burst into life. I lazily answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID. “Hello?” I spoke into the phone.

“Hiya mate, it’s Nialler.”

“Niall, why are you even awake? It’s like 6 in the morning!” I asked, sitting up slightly and moving Tee away from the edge.

“Just phoned to see if Santa had been to visit Tegan okay.” He laughed, knowing that she had been very overexcited about Christmas for quite some time.

“Well I’d better hand you over then.” I said, passing the phone to Tegan. “Tee, uncle Ni wants to speak to you.”  A smile lit up on her face as she grabbed the phone and began talking very excitedly. It was impossible not to smile at Tee, everything about her just made me happy. 

“See I told you uncle Ni would be awake!” She exclaimed, after a long chat with Niall.

“You did sweetheart, but it is quite early in the morning and you know how uncle Ni sleeps don’t you? You had to wake him up once didn’t you?” I smiled at her, reminding her of the first trip away with us she had.

“Oh yeah!” she chuckled. “I think he learned to wake up now.”

“I do too.” I nodded. “Now, why don’t see if santa been shall we?”

“Yeah!” She yelled standing up. I chuckled at her and picked her up, placing her on my hip and carrying her through into the lounge where the very pick Christmas tree stood. It’s a real tree, but I thought that Tee would like to decorate it. She loved it, but it just so happens that she also likes pink and sparkly things, a lot, which means that we have a very pink sparkly Christmas tree which Tegan wants to keep all year around.

I put her down and she ran over to the coffee table, where she had insisted we left a glass of milk and some carrots for Rudolph.

“Daddy the milk has all gone!” she yelled, excitedly. “And all the carrots! Santa was here daddy!”

“Really? Well maybe he left some presents too…” I trailed off; pointing to her pink knitted stocking that was full of presents ‘santa’ had left for her. Tee’s eyes lit up with glee as she gazed at the neatly wrapped gifts in her stocking, not yet noticing the parcels under the tree for later.

“Can I open them?” She asked, not moving her eyes away from them.

“Of course you can,” I chuckled. “No one else is going to!” I helped her untie the stocking and then watched as she sat down on the floor cross legged carefully opening the presents and being absolutely enchanted by everything, even a small set of colouring pencils.

After she’d opened her stocking presents, I cleared up all the paper and made some special Christmas pancakes with chocolate chips in them whilst Tegan played with her new toys.

When we’d finished breakfast, I bathed and dressed Tegan before getting myself ready and then waiting for Niall to turn up. Louis, Harry and Zayn had all gone to their family homes for Christmas, but Niall’s flight got cancelled because of bad weather and I’d already decided to stay at home and have Christmas with just me and Tee. Of course I asked Niall round when he returned to his flat when he should have been in Ireland.

“Uncle Ni is here daddy!” Tegan yelled, running round in circles. This is why chocolate chip pancakes are ‘special Christmas pancakes’.  I picked Tegan up into a fireman’s lift and answered the door, with Tee laughing like a maniac.

“Merry Christmas Nialler!” I grinned, opening the door and letting him in.

“Merry Christmas to you guys too,” He smiled. “Thanks for having me.”

“No prob uncle Ni,” Tee said, still over my shoulder. “Daddy wanted cuddles when we were meant to be seeing I santa had been.”

“Really? That will not do will it?” He replied, putting on a shocked face before stealing her from me and placing her on his hip. “Uncle Niall to the rescue huh?!”

When we’d finished our Christmas dinner, we watched The Snowman as Tee informed us it was her favourite Christmas film.

“I’ll just take her to bed,” I told Niall quietly, motioning to the sleeping princess in my arms.

I carried her into her room and changed her into some princess pyjamas before placing her in her bed and bringing the duvet up to her chin.

“Night night princess.” I whispered, kissing her forehead.

“Night daddy,” She whispered back sleepily. “That was the best Christmas ever.”

****end of flashback****

I thought that was kinda cute :)

the next chapter will be posted at some point next week

Em xx

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