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So as you can see this hasn't been updated for ages and that's simpley because I don't have time at the moment to write decent chapters. 

I'm currently in year 13 and in 8 weeks my exams start, those exams are a huge deal because if I fail them I don't get into uni so I have to make sure that I'm working really hard all the time and focusing on my school work. As soon as they are over I'm dedicating my time to finishing up these books in a decent way and maybe uploading a few little things here and there, but until then I'm only going to be repling to comments and messages and stuff.

I hope you understand why I'm not uploading for a while, but I promise that I won't just leave you hanging and I will write more, I just need to wait to be able to focus more on the books so I can write better for you all :)

Em xx

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