Chapter Sixteen

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Well hello :)

It's been a while since I last wrote as I took a break, and then it was a while again because of some personal problems but now I'm back so expect lots of updates.

A lot has happened since I last wrote; I turned 17, this account turned 3, ILAY turned 1 and I've been in and out of recovery. Let me know in the comments what's been happening for you, I feel like I've missed a lot!!

Anyways, on with the chapter :)

Chapter 16

Tegan’s POV

I tore my eyes open as the high pitched of my alarm clock screeched into the soft silence. Yes it’s a Sunday but I still have an alarm set for my morning run.

I peeled back my duvet and changed into some running shorts, my black sports bra and a long sleeved sports top. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail and slipped my feet into running shoes before grabbing my iPod and descending the stairs to begin my run.

Liam’s POV

I stared at the plain wall in the living room, my eyes not moving from the same space they had glared at all night. Rachel had gone home not long after Tee fell asleep and I remained on the sofa not moving. I couldn’t sleep knowing how Tee felt. I don’t understand why she feels so sad. I mean I know about the hate on Twitter and that it’s get her down and everything, but running away. Seriously? And thinking that no one cared about her? I sighed deeply and rubbed my temples with my hands, squeezing my eyes closed tightly momentarily. Being a parent is hard.

 I heard the gentle patter of footsteps and snapped my head to the direction of the stairs to see Tee dressed for running…?

“Where are you going?” I asked, confused as to why she’d want to go running so early in the morning.

“Running.” She replied softly.

“Well I can see that, what I meant was why?” I rephrased.

“Because I need to lose weight.” Tee mumbled, avoiding eye contact at all costs.

“No you don’t Tegan,” I told her, sighing slightly. “You’re perfect just the way you are, and don’t you let anyone tell you any different because they’re lying. You’re beautiful, pretty…if anything you need to put on weight! You don’t need to lose anything sweetheart.”

“I knew you wouldn’t understand!” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. “If mum were here she would understand. She would know what I was talking about!”

“Don’t bring your mum into this.” I sighed, rubbing my temples.

“Why not? You don’t understand and she would simple as.”

“No Tegan, your mum would say the same as me. You’re too skinny; you’re making yourself ill with all this not eating and exercising. You may think I haven’t noticed but I have and it needs to stop.” I told her, sternly, standing up.

“I’m too fat. The only thing that needs to stop is me eating.” She retorted, grabbing her skin and pulling it away from her bones and calling it fat.

“You’re being redicioulas.” I snapped, scoffing slightly.

“I’m being redicioulas?! Daddy I’m the only one admitting the truth!”

“It’s lies Tegan. Whoever told you that was lying okay? I don’t know why but they were and you need to remember that.” I attempted to explain. Tegan rolled her eyes dramatically and folded her arms, turning her body away from me and looking sulkily to the ground.

“I wish mum was here.” She mumbled.

“Well maybe if she’d told me about you three years sooner then she still would be!” A look of horror crossed Tegan’s face, tears pricked up in her eyes and she stormed off to her room. Sh*t.

Tegan’s POV

I harshly wiped the tears away, slamming my bedroom door loudly. I paced around my room, wondering what to do when I found myself dialling a number I never thought I’d use.

“Hi Grandpa Chris, I need your help.”

kinda short I think...I'm not sure how it will turn out once it's been published. I'll be updating again soon 

Em xx

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