Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the delay, thanks for being patient!!

Chapter 12

Tegan’s POV

I leaned my head back against the back of the sofa in boredom. We were watching some soppy love story film that Rachel picked out and I was bored out of my mind. Mostly when me and daddy have movie nights we watch Disney films.  Rachel and him we cuddling at one end of the sofa so I was left at the other with a blanket, texting Maisie occasionally.

“Have you got much homework to do tomorrow Tee?” Daddy asked me as the ending credits rolled on the screen.

“Maths, English, chemistry and geography,” I replied, regretting the small amount of work I’d done during the week. “Why?”

“I was thinking maybe you, me and Rachel could do something together tomorrow, but homework comes first.” Daddy told me.

“We could go on Sunday.” Rachel suggested. No. That is not happening. I have piano lessons on Sunday. Always have done, always will do, Daddy isn’t going to agree to tha-

“Yeah, sounds like a great idea.” Daddy agreed, smiling.

“What? Erm, no, not happening.” I said, standing up off the sofa as Rachel took the disc out of the DVD player.

“Why?” Daddy asked.                                    

“Well there’s this little thing called piano lessons. Every Sunday.” I reminded him, annoyed that he was putting her before his daughter. Forgive me if I sound like a spoilt brat, but she can’t just introduce herself and then change everything round like I’m the inconvenience. Which to her, I probably am.

“You’ll just have to miss it this week, Tee.” He replied, sighing slightly.

“But that’s not fair!” I complained.

“Tegan if you had got your homework done then you could still go.” Rachel chipped in.

“Rach has a point Tee.” Daddy nodded, wrapping her arm around her waist. “You’ll just have to skip this week’s lesson.”

“But dad-

“This isn’t open for discussion Tegan.” He cut me of midsentence, firmly.

“Fine.” I mumbled, sloping off to my room.

I punched Uncle Zee’s number into my phone and flopped on my bed, waiting for him to pick up.

“Hey Tee-Tee.” Uncle Zayn chirped into the phone.

“Hey,” I replied dully.

“What’s up?”

“Can I come to yours, please? I promise I’ll be quiet and look after Jakey and not make too much mess, please Uncle Zee.” I begged, pleadingly.

“Why? What’s happened?”

“Rachel. Daddy is agreeing with everything she says and she’s getting all weird on me because I didn’t do my homework, I’m not even her child. And now he’s making me miss piano. I never miss piano, ever. It’s all because of her, that’s why he was in a mood when I came home.” I rambled.

“Tegan, I’m sure everything will be fine. Just try to get to bed and I’ll come by tomorrow, okay?” Zayn reasoned with me.

“Okay, thanks Uncle Zayn.”

“No problemo, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, oh and Uncle Zayn, can you not phone daddy as soon as you hang up and tell him that I phoned you. Please?”

“How did you know I did that?” He asked.

“Erm, I didn’t, I just didn’t want you to.” I replied.

“Alright kiddo, I’ll see you tomorrow, now get to bed okay?”

“Yes Uncle Zee, night.” I said.

“Night Tee-Tee.” I hung up, softly throwing my phone against my bed.

I changed into my pyjamas, some plaid Jack Wills shorts, a t-shirt and a Jack Wills hoodie, before padding into the bathroom and scrubbing my face of make-up and brushing my teeth. I threw my hair into a messy bun before cuddling up under my duvet and shoving my head phones in my ears.

Liam’s POV

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed showing annoyance.

“Babe? What is it?” Rach asked.

“She’s gonna hate me. She already hates me. I’m a crap father. She was having a bad day and I just made it a million times worse.” I mumbled, mostly to myself, a few stray tear dripping down my face.

“Liam what are you talking about? Missing one piano lesson isn’t going to be the end of the world, she should have done more of her homework, it’s not your fault.” Rachel tried reassuring me. “Tegan will be fine.”

“But what if she’s not?” I asked, thinking about the blood on her sleeves. “What if she’s not okay?”

“Oh come on Liam!” Rachel exclaimed. “It’s one bad day, everyone has bad days.”

“But what if it’s not just a bad day?”

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