Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Louis’ POV

I watched her pale body on the white hospital bed, her eyes firmly shut, her hair strewn about and all sorts of wires and tubes connecting her to a multitude of machines that were keeping her alive. 13 years old. My first ‘niece’, I know not blood related, but me and the lads were like brothers.

***flashback to when Tegan was 4***

I was watching Tee for a little while, whilst Liam went to do a quick food shop. She had decided that we’d watch Frozen, but she was a little distracted by my tattoos.

“Uncle Lou?” She asked, her fingers tracing over the tattoos on my arm.

“Hmm?” I replied, looking down at her cuddled up on my lap.

“Why don’t these drawings ever come off?”

“They’re called tattoos darling, it means that they won’t ever come off.” I explained, smiling.

“Not ever never?” Tegan asked, with a shocked expression on her face.

“Nope.” I replied, popping the ‘p’ sound.

“Daddy always uses lots of soap when I’ve been drawing and painting, so maybe you need some more soap…” She suggested, which of course made me laugh.

“No sweetheart, not even lots of soap will make these come off,” I said, stroking through her hair. “Daddy, Uncle Zee and Uncle Haz have tattoos too, they don’t come off and mine don’t come off.” I tried to explain further.

“Can I get one?” Tegan asked, sweetly.

“No baby, you’re too little, and even when you’re old enough I don’t know that daddy will let you.”

“Not even a tiny tiny tiny one?” She asked, showing how small she meant by holding up her hand and pinching her first finger and thumb together with barely even a gap between them.

“Okay, but only one.” I said, standing up. “And you have to sit very still. Can you do that?” She nodded widely, and jumped up, taking me hand. Of course I wasn’t going to give a 4 year old a tattoo, but I’m sure I’d seen a few temporary ones lying around somewhere.

I sat her on a chair in the bathroom and ran a basin of warm water, before soaking the flannel in it.

“Okay, which one do you want?” I said, showing her the sheet of princess ‘tattoos’.

“That one.” She said, pointing to a Cinderella one. I cut around the image and peeled off the clear top layer, pressing it against her arm and then holding the wet flannel over the top for a minute. When I removed the flannel, I carefully took off the paper backing to revel Cinderella on Tegan’s arm.

“Wow! Thankies Uncle Lou.” She said, admiring her new ‘tattoo’. “I’m going to get these all over and be the most princess covered princess!” Tee exclaimed.


“Daddy! Look I got a tattooooo!” Tegan shouted, running into her and Liam’s house.

“Louis you haven’t…?” Liam said, worriedly.

“Look daddy, it’s a princess and I’m gonna be covered in princesses one day!” she squealed, showing off the ‘tattoo’.

“Well I don’t know about being covered in tattoos, but you certainly are a princess aren’t you?” Liam said, crouching down in front of her, and really admiring the temporary tattoo on her arm.

For the next few days, all she talked about was the tattoo on her arm, showing it off at every opportunity. But when it washed away about a week later, she seemed to have forgotten all about it, luckily.

***end of flashback***

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