Chapter Three- Wait, What?!

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Chapter 3 – Wait, what?!

 Liam's POV

What? She was mine? I had a kid? I must have looked utterly confused and been a bit out of it because Daisy waved in front of my eyes.

"Liam? Are you okay?" She asked, looking worried and waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"What's her full name?" I whispered, motioning to Tegan.

"Tegan Roseanna Payne." Daisy smiled stroking Tegan's face affectionately. "She was born on May 20th 2009 at 7 o'clock in the morning." She quickly added as if she could read my mind. I couldn't help but to stare at her. My little girl. She had my brown hair and eyes and Daisy's tanned skin. She was beautiful.

"Daddy?" Tegan asked Daisy, pointing towards me. She wriggled out of Daisy's grip and I bent down so we were at eye level.

"Yes baby girl." I told her softly. "I'm daddy." She stepped towards me with her arms stretched out for a hug. I wrapped me arms around her and lifted her up when I stood. 

Daisy's POV

I watched our daughter as she wrapped her arm around Liam's neck. It will be fine. She will be fine.

"Liam, I need to ask you something." I said nervously. 

"Go for it." He grinned, his eyes sparkling but I think that was just the sunlight. 

"Err, I need you to...look after h-her." I stammered. Silence. I suddenly found my hands very interesting. "It's just we're living with mum and she doesn't like the idea of me looking after Tee but I have no money so I can't afford to find us our own place and I just want Tee to have a happy childhood." I gabbled, a few tears collecting in my eyes. "I just want Tegan to be safe and happy." I whispered the last part.

"Daisy..." He said hesitantly. I knew it. The answer would be no. 

"I'm sorry. I know it would ruin your career, I'm sorry I wasn't thi-

"Of course I will." He cut me off. "But, I go back to London tonight." He looked at me with apologetic eyes.  

"I know. Your mum told mine." I said softly. "I just want her to be safe and happy and she's not with me." I admitted. I had been managing alright until mum started demanding that I paid to stay with them. The hours I could work was limited because mum and Chris didn't like babysitting Tee so I had to be around to look after her. I just wish that I had the money to get my own place. Just for us. Liam put Tegan on the ground and wrapped his arms around me, stroking my back gently.

"Daisy, you're a brilliant mum. Just look at Tegan. She's happy and healthy." He reassured me. "But if you want me to look after her then there is no way that I would ever be able to say no."

"Thank you so much." I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut so the tears wouldn't fall. I handed Liam my phone number and started gabling a load of stuff which was probably all jargon to him. "She normally has a nap after lunch at about 1:30 for an hour. Oh and she has a snack at about 4pm."

"Daisy," Liam chuckled. "We'll be fine." I bent down so I was eye level with Tegan and i hugged her tightly. 

"Tegan baby, you're going to stay with daddy for a bit okay?" I said, tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"Are you staying too mummy?" She asked.

"No baby." I shook my head. "Daddy will take good care of you darling."

"I'll miss you mummy." Tegan said, tears rolling down her face. I wiped them away, smiling through my own tears. 

"Be a good girl darling." I kissed her forehead before standing up and handing her to Liam. "I love you." I couldn't bear to see her crying.  Tegan was crying non stop as I walked away. 

That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Liam's POV

"Sssh. It's alright princess. Daddy's here." I soothed Tegan gently, holding her tightly as she cried her little heart out. 

"I want mummy!" Tee complained, sobbing into my shoulder and gripping on to my t-shirt tightly.

"I know darling." I picked up the pink suitcase that Daisy had left outside and took it inside. I went through into the lounge and sat on the sofa, sitting Tegan on my lap. Her crying quietened down and she just hugged me.

"Daddy?" Tegan said quietly. 


"Sorry." She looked away, her eyes red from crying. 

"Why are you sorry sweetheart?" I asked, stroking her hair.

"Because I cried loudly." She sniffed. "Grandma says it's bad to cry loudly."

"Tegan listen to me, it doesn't matter how loudly your cry. I'll always be here and mummy won't be far away." I assured her, before tickling her stomach so a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Can we watch 'Peppa Pig'?" Tee asked.

"Course we can." I chuckled slightly as I turned on the tv to the right channel. Now all I have to do is tell the boys

Hope you like it!! Feedback is very much appreciated :)

Emily xxx

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