Chapter 23

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Finally, there is another chapter! Sorry it's taken so long, and thank you all so much for being so patient with me :)

Chapter 23

Harry’s POV

I remember the day Liam brought Tee to London. None of us thought anything of it really, not until it came to Liam telling Simon.

***Flashback, to when Tegan was 3***

“Liam I don’t think it’s appropriate,” Simon began, his eyes glancing between Liam and Tegan who was sat in his lap. “What about her mother, surely when she said she wanted you to look after her, it was only for a week or so…?”

“Simon, Daisy was serious, I don’t know what exactly is going to happen, but I’m sure she’ll come to visit Tegan soon and then I can ask her. But until then, even if you go against it, I’m keeping Tegan.” Liam said firmly, lifting Tee out of his lap and standing before walking out. Simon just sighed and wrote a few things down, whilst Zayn and I shared a nerved look. It was meant to be just a normal band meeting, but Liam didn’t like to leave Tegan with a stranger so he brought her along. Of course none of us minded, Tegan was an angel.

***end of flashback***

It must have been so difficult, to be given to some random man by your mum and then just expected to live with him, but Tee did and I like to think that she got along with us all well, and touring was probably just as much her favourite thing as ours.

***another flashback, Tegan is 6***

“Uncle Harry!” Tegan yelled, whilst running towards me. We were meeting at Liam’s house before setting off to the airport for the European portion of tour, and it’s safe to say that a certain little girl is rather excited. I lifted her up and spun her round in the air a little before hugging her and placing her back on the ground. “I’m so excited!” She squealed.

“Really? I never would have guessed?!”

“Yeah because we get to go on planes and watch more movies than sometimes, and daddy lets me stay up later!” she gabbled, hurriedly, a huge grin permanently on her face.

“Tegan, you haven’t even finished packing yet.” Liam said, smiling slightly as he walked into the room. “Come on, or else you won’t be able to stay up.” He took her hand and led her towards her room.

“But I’ve packed all my toys and colours and books daddy,” She protested. “And Uncle Harry said it was too hot last time and that’s why he took his top off.”

*skip to arrival in Paris*

“We’re here!” Tegan giggled, doing a little dance in her seat of the plane. “We are in a whole new place, where I can stay up late.” A small yawn escaped her lips as soon as she finished speaking, and a hand went up to rub her eyes in tiredness.

“I think you might be a little too sleepy for staying up late sweetheart.” I chuckled, lifting her up and placing her on my hip, surprisingly she didn’t protest, and instead rested her head against my shoulder.

***end of flashback***

All that seems like yesterday, not years ago and she’s like this. Just lying there.

“Hi Haz,” A small voice said. I turned and wiped a few tears from my eyes, and saw it was Liam. “Any news?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head, “Sorry buddy.”

“I just need her back Harry,” He said, his voice cracking as a fresh set of tears welled in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. “I need my little princess back.”

I know this is short and rubbishy, but luckily for you, I'm writing more today so you'll have potentially 3 more chapters on here and maybe a chapter on SS 

Em x

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