Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

Third person POV

*skipping ahead about a month and a half*

It all happened in such a rush. Liam was sat next to her bed, holding onto her hand as he did all day every day. Louis, Zayn, Niall and Harry all surrounded Tegan’s hospital bed. Her fingers twitched slightly against Liam’s skin, and then a sudden raise in her heartbeat grasped their attention.

“Someone get a doctor!” Liam exclaimed, a look of fear and worry etched onto his face as he panicked. As soon as the doctor entered the room, the monitor showed Tegan’s heart to be the same as it had been for the past few weeks.

The doctor checked her over before saying that he’d be back in about an hour to see if anything else had changed. And then the waiting continued.  This whole thing has been a waiting game. Just waiting for something to happen. For Tegan to wake up. For Liam’s little princess to smile again. They were all just waiting for a miracle.

Tears gathered up in Liam’s eye just staring helplessly at his daughter. He wiped his right hand over his eyes and stubbly face.

“Liam, mate, maybe I should take you back for a bit. Just to freshen up a little?” Zayn said cautiously, aware that it had been several weeks since Liam had seen a shower.

“I can’t go now.” Liam replied in a monotone voice. As always. Tegan was Liam’s entire world. He’d looked after her and always wanted the best for her, but now he was helpless and that wasn’t something he was enjoying. “Something might happen and I won’t be here for her.” The sudden change that had occurred just a few hours previously and made Liam determined that she was going to wake up today. She was going to pry open her eyes and be reunited with her family.

“We’ll be quick,” Zayn insisted, knowing that it wasn’t healthy for Liam to be like this. “And any way, I’m sure that Tee would prefer to wake up to a dad she recognises that someone who clearly hasn’t washed in a while.”

“Maybe you’re right,” Liam pondered. “Just 20 minutes though right?” he added, standing up from the chair he was sat on. “And you guys have to ring as soon as anything happens okay?” They all nodded, pleased that he was finally listening to them and getting out for a while. The guys would stay with Liam as much as possible, but they all returned home to freshen up, and see their families. Liam planted a kiss on Tegan’s forehead before slowly leaving with Zayn.

Whilst they were walking down the corridor to leave the building, a panic arose in Tee’s room, as the numerous monitors she was attached to started to bleep and buzz into the hospital.

“Doctor?” Niall yelled, tears pooling in his eyes. “We need a doctor in here!”

Liam’s POV

“Doctor?” A voice yelled. “We need a doctor in here!”

“Zayn that was Niall.” I said, speedily turning back on my heels and running towards Tegan’s hospital room. I didn’t wait for him to reply, or even wait for him to turn around I just ran back in. And that’s when time seemed to completely stop.

The lads had been moved out of the way, and all had tears streaming down their faces. Doctors and nurses crowded around my princess. Everything seemed to suddenly speed up then, I couldn’t see clearly and sounds all jumbled into one noise. Until the piercing constant bleep sound signalling a flat line was the only thing that could be heard.

Third persons POV

The doctors turned off the machines and left the room, leaving Liam and the boys alone with Tegan. Liam sobbed uncontrollably and fell to the floor against the wall. He buried his head in his knees and wrapped his arms around himself.

“Liam, we’ll give you some time.” Harry said, his voice cracking with tears. “We’ll be right outside.” He added, signalling to the others to give Liam some time with Tee. Of course they were all emotionally distraught, but the pain that Liam was feeling was unimaginable to the boys who’d never been through the death of their child before – luckily.

Liam’s POV

Silence filled the room loudly. Never again would I hear my princess’s voice, or her laughter, or see her smiles and her tears. I’d never see the day she gets married or has children, or leaves school or has a job. I’m left with so many memories, but that isn’t enough. I want my princess Tegan back. My little princess.

I laid down on the bed next to her, hugging her close to me.

“I love you so much Tegan sweetheart,” I whispered into her hair. “I wish that you could have seen just how special and important you are.” I just sat in silence for a while, not wanting to ever let go of my baby girl. “Why did you have to go darling? I tried so much to save you from the monsters under your bed, I guess I didn’t think about the monsters in your head.”

***time skip, 5 years later. 20th May 2027***

Liam’s POV

“Happy Birthday princess.” I said, at the foot of Tegan’s grave. I carefully put down the bunch of flowers I got and sat down. “I brought you some Champagne, considered you’d be turning 18. My darling little princess all grown up, aye? You’re still my favourite and best daughter, so I’d better still be your favourite and best daddy, okay? Because you’ll always be my favourite girl, and my little princess.”  

and that's it, HLP is over. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll be finishing up Silent Secrets soon, so don't worry about that!!

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Em x

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