Chapter Twenty Seven.

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I slowly rolled my eyes as I heard Monica's heels click down the hall. I brased myself for the yelling her ass was about to do.

"Mm. Well look, the gangs all here." she said as she walked in the room. Nicki chuckled an shifted in her seat.

"Monica what the hell yo ass doing here?" Terrell asked.

"Nigga he is my husband. The fuck y'all doing here? Especially you." she said saying that last part towards me.

"Doing something yo ass should've been here doing. You know how many times we done called an texted yo ass? Some fucking wife you are." I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat.

"Bitch unlike you, I have shit to take care of. Okay? Now all of y'all can remove yourselves while I wait for my husband." Monica said while sitting on the hospital bed.

Nicki looked at me, I looked back an we both just busted out laughing.

"Husband? What kind of wife cheats on their husband, an get pregnant by another nigga?" Nicki asked. I stopped laughing an cleared my throat. She shouldn't have brought that up but hey. Nicki's mouth is not under control by nobody but herself.

"Excuse me? Look ya lil bitch. My business is not any of yours. So shut ya lil ass up before you get fucked up." Monica said pointing a finger at Nicki.

"Ya business is everyone's business once its out in the open. How the fuck could you cheat on Rico, an get pregnant buy another nigga? I always knew you was a hoe, but damn. Don't bring thag hoeing shit around here." I said standing up and walking towards her.

"Bitch where you come from? Ain't you pose to be in California? With ya lil gay ass? Get the fuck out my face before I end yo shit." Monica said fixing her purse on her shoulder. I balled my fist up an cocked it back somebody pulled me away an put me in a corner away from her.

"Naw don't hold her back! Let her get this ass whooping!" Monica yelled. Terrell stepped from in front of me an I skowly walked towards her but stopped as Rico got rolled back into the room. He was smiling but it quickly dropped when he spotted Monica.

"Visiting hours are almost up. Only the wife of Mr. Rodriguez may stay." the nurse said with a smile as she put Rico's bed back into place.

"Welp ya heard the nurse! Everybody get the fuck out."Monica had a smirk on her face but it quickly dropped when Rico started talking.

"You're not my wife. You had the audacity to get cheat on me, and get pregnant by another nigga and make me think those girls where mine. Get all ya shit out my fucking house. I'm filing for divorce, and if you think I'm playing watch and see what the fuck happens." Rico said fixing himself in the bed. Nicki let out a chuckle an Terrell stood up an left.

"Rico what are you talking about? I never che-"

"Bitch don't lie. I got the fucking results yesterday. See, you must've forgot that you told me you was going over ya moms house an was taking the girls I thought where mine. I went over there to apologize but yo ass was no where to be found. So Ima say it one more time. Go to MY house. Get YOUR shit out of it. And be ready to sign those fucking divorce papers, or else." Rico said without raising his voice. I just stood there not saying anything because it wasn't my place to. Rico waved me over an I brushed past Monica. She had the nerve to grab my hair. I back handed the fuck outta her mouth and she fell to the ground.

"You touch her again, and you getting ya rounds with me." Nicki said standing up. Monica let out a scream an stormed out the room. I sighed and just imagined the drama that was about to happen.

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