Chapter Twelve.

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I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed. Even though Rico was on my mind, I pushed it into the back of my mind. After I showered I got dressed in some black jeggins, a long sleeved black and white stripped shirt and my black flats. I put my hair in a slick pony tail, added some black earrings and my watch, grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.

I saw Nicki and Terrell all booed up in the kitchen. Ugh, seeing them like this is getting on my nerves. I mean I ain't hating or nun, but still. Sucks being single.

I cleared my throat and they slowly pulled away from each other.

"Morning." I flashed a fake smile.

"Morning," they said at the same time. I was finna say something but I heard a car door slam shut. I turned around and heard Nicki say something.

"Ria! That assss got fatter ma. Especially in those pants." She laughed. I shook my head and walked towards the door and opened it just as Jacob was about to knock.

"Hey good morning." I said. He said it back, we walked to his car, he opened my door and I got in, he got in, and we headed to school.


I was getting ready for my last period of the day, which was kindergarten. I had a bunch of coloring sheets with ABC's on em to help them with there letters. The bell rang and they came pilling in, including the cutest lil girl I've ever saw. Mia. She was always so quiet, but it was something in her eyes I couldn't read.

Everybody took their seats and greeted me.

"Good afternoon class. So, I've talked to you guys homeroom teacher, and she told me that you guys are still working on your letters. So I have some work sheets all around the class. And you guys have your crayons so what does that mean?" I asked overly excited.

"We get to color!!" I heard a lil voice yell out in the back of the class room. I laughed and nodded my head, and watched as everybody got up and ran around the room.

"NO running!" I said. The class was big enough to run but still. Don't need Ms. Rain ass coming in here and complaining. I noticed that Mia was still sitting down so I grabbed a worksheet that an S for Summer, and a M for Minnie and walked over to her. I sat down in front of her, and placed the M worksheet in front of her.

"Mind if I use some of your crayons?" I asked. She shook her head no, and I smiled. I grabbed a yellow, and started coloring the sun. She watched me and I stopped to look at her.

"Why don't you color?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and put her chin on her arms looking at me. I sighed and colored some more. Fee more minutes and I noticed she had started coloring.

"That's really good Mia." I said honestly. For a five year old she can color her ass off. She smiled and gave it to me.

"Its for you. For making me feel happy." She said smiling. I got this warm fuzzy feeling in my heart and couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.


I was walking out the school texting Nicki. She told me she and Terrell going to some party, and they wanted to invite me. I said yeah, just to get out the house.

"Ria!" I heard Jacob's voice. I smiled and turned around. He waved me over, and I walked towards him.

"Wassup?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I was just wondering.. If you wanted to go to a party on Friday?" He asked me. I couldn't turn down my girl, but then again she's going with my brother. I'd just be the third wheel.

"I'll let you know okay?" I said unsure. He nodded his head as his face fell.

"Well girl come on and lemme give you a ride on the town." He joked. I laughed and nodded my head. He drove me home and the whole way there we were laughing and joking. I can say I kinda like Jacob.. But still love Rico.





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