Chapter Thirty Two

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I pulled up outside of a small two story building on a very busy street. I guess the busier the street the busier my business. I parked my car and got out and walked into the building. I went upstairs where the lady said she would be. She was standing by the very large window looking out.

"Hi are you Ms. Berth?" I asked walking up to her. She turned around and gave me a big smile.

"Well hello you must be Ria! Very nice to meet you, you are so beautiful." She grasped me in a very tight hug. For her to be a white woman she shouldn't be all up on me.

"Nice to meet you too, now do you have the papers for me to sign?" I asked digging in my purse trying to find a pen.

"Well darling don't you want to look around first?" She asked looking shocked.

"Look around for what? Its pretty much here already." I chuckled looking around.

"Oh my assistant didn't include this in the email, but the whole building will be yours. Not just the top part. Honey follow me." She waved her hand as she started to walk down the steps.

I had no clue I would be buying the whole building. Well rent to buy same thing really. As we reached the bottom of the steps we turned to the door on the right. It was a large room with a seperate office in the back shut off.

"And will I be paying extra for this?" I asked concerned.

"No ma'am you will not. Its all included with the same price my assistant listed. All you have to do is sign right here in the dotted line." She said handing me a contract and a pen. I signed and she handed me the keys to my office.

"Pleasure doing business with you. I'll keep in contact with you for payment plans. Enjoy." She cheered before walking out.

I sighed happily before dancing in a circle before locking up and leaving.

• • •

I made it back to Rico's place around 2. In about a hour or so it would be time for the girls to come so I knew they would be hungry. I walked in the house and heard a loud noise, then heard Rico scream out in pain.

"Rico where are you!?" I yelled throwing my purse on the couch.

"I'm in the gym!" He yelled out groaning. I rushed to the gym and found him on the floor trying to get up.

"What were you doing Rico?" I asked walking over to him. I grabbed his arm and helped him slowly.

"I was trying to exercise. I'm tired of being in this fucking chair yo. Shits fucking lame and stupid." He said as i helped him back into his chair.

"Well Rico you throwing a hissy fit isn't going to help anything. Now come on, you're going in your room.. For timeout." I chuckled the last part. I rolled him from the gym into his room downstairs.

"Yeah well I wasn't throwing a hissy fit. Anyways hows your art stuff going? You find a place?" He asked slowly getting into the low bed.

"Yeah its going fine. I bought a place today. Two for one basically." I laughed rolling his chair into a corner. I turned around to see him smirking at me biting his bottom lip.

"Come here." He patted a spot beside him. I sighed and sat beside him.

"Don't act like you don't miss me Ria." He laughed as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah I miss you, but with all this going on.. I'm in no state of mind to have a relationship. Especially with someone who has or is about to have baby momma drama." I said sinking into his chest as he pulled me into him.

"Yeah well I don't care what you gotta say. I still love you and always will love you. And I know you still love me." He said lifting my face up to his.

His warm plumb lips connected with mines as we shared a long overdue kiss we both have been wanting to share ever since I've been here. My hand went up to his neck as his went down and grabbed my ass pulling me onto his lap. The kiss deepened as he slid his hands into my jeans and mine slid his shirt up slowly.

"Oh shit.." He mumbled. I stopped in fear that I was hurting him.

"Am I hurting you? We shouldn't do this, let me go sta-" he stopped me bringing me back into the kiss.

"Nah.. But this is the first time in a while that my dick is hard." He laughed as we pulled away. I blushed and looked down at his erection. He was indeed hard.

"Well I mean.. Is it okay to you know, do it?" I asked unsure, not wanting to hurt his back.

"I don't know but fuck it." He said as our lips crashed into each others. We took things slow for his sake. The touching, the moaning, the deepness of his shaft in my walls. The biting, the frequent "I love you's". Rico was just as great as our first time together. And I pray we have many more.

Lord knows I love this man.

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