Chapter Nine.

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I walked into Nicki's shop and saw her working on somebody head. I swear this girl could work magic on anybody's head. She saw me and smiled wide.

"Hay boo! So how was ya first day?" She asked. I let out a fake chuckle and sat down on one of the many chairs. She laughed.

"That bad huh?" She asked.

"It was alright. I mean.. Their kids so I can only prepare myself for the worse." I said. I had a game plan for them damn demons.. I mean kids.



"Daddy!!" Nia came running into my arms. I smiled and picked her up putting her on my hip, while Mia was walking towards me with her head down. I sighed and met her half way.

"Did you have one of those days again?" I asked her. She nodded her head and I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulder.

I don't know with Mia.. Its like she has depression and angry issues or something. Mia's the oldest by five minutes, but she's also the one I'm worried about.

"Well come on. Let's go get you guys something to eat huh?" I said squeezing them. Nia laughed, but Mia just stayed quiet.


I was in my room looking over the lesson plans when I felt my phone vibrate. It was Jacobs silly self.

Jacob: Lemme take you out to dinner tonight

Me: Why?? How you know I'm not busy?

I tried to ignore him but I couldn't.

Jacob: Because I know you. An I know your staying with Nicki. I'll be there in an hour ;)

I sighed and got up to start the shower. I hopped in, scrubbed myself and let the soap sit in. I rinsed, repeated and then hopped out. I wrapped myself in a towel and walked to my bags.

I pulled on some undies and a bra. I slid into some jeans, a red tank top, my bread 11's and a black cardigan. I flat ironed my hair bone straight, grabbed my phone, and walked downstairs.

"Nicki I'll be back I'm going ou-" I was cut off by Jacob sitting on the couch talking to Terrell.

"Well never mind." I said quietly.

"You ready? You loon nice." Jacob said. I smiled and thanked him.

"Aye man, be careful with my sister." Nicki yelled from the kitchen. I laughed as we walked out the house. He opened the car door for me, jogged around to his side, got in and started the car, then drove off.




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