Chapter Twenty Five

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We got to the emergency room as quick as we could. Me and Terrell had to drag Rico in the er because he couldn't move. I could tell he was pain by how quiet he was. Rico was always one to never show his pain, now matter how much he was in.

"I'll sit with him, you go tell the nurse." Terrell said.

"No I'll help you sit him down." I said. I don't care how strong Terrell was. Rico is in no condition to be helped by one person.

I helped Terrell sit him in a wheelchair then basically ran to the nurse.

"Name?" She asked without even looking up at me.

"Rico Rodriguez."



"Reason he's here?"

"He got in a fight, his back is messed up, and I think something's wrong with his ribs. He can barely move. Can you please have a doctor see him right away!?" I said. All she did was type away on the computer slowly.

"I'll have someone with you in a moment. Put this on his wrist." She said handing me his hospital bracelet. I snatched it and walked away to where Rico was. He had his head leaned back and one arm clutching his ribs. I grabbed his wrist gently and put the bracelet on his arm.

"What they say?" I heard Nicki ask. I sat down and shook my head.

"You know its gonna be a long ass wait." I said sighing. Just then Rico started coughing up blood.

"OH MY GOD! HELP! MY BOYFRIEND IS COUGHING UP BLOOD!" I screamed rushing to his side. Just then a nurse ran to rico and began to push him off fast. I kept up with her until another nurse ran up to me and held me back.

"You can't go back there!" She said. I tried my best to get out her grip but she was strong as hell. I finally gave up and walked back to where everyone was. By then Tj and a few members of his team was there. I sat down next to Nicki and she started rubbing my back.

"I'm okay Nicki." I said starring off, my voice cracking.


Man I feel for so bad for Ria. Just when she started to get herself together, this shit happens. And I know she still loves that boy. I don't care how much she says she done moved on, you can look at her and see the love in her eyes every time she looks at him.

"Can someone tell us what happen?" Sean, one if Rico's teammates asked.

"He got into a fight with an old friend." I said. Because that's all I knew so far. Sean shook his head and sat down. I wrapped my arm around Ria and said a silent prayer.

Two Hours Later...


Its four o'clock in the morning, and we haven't heard anything yet. I've been praying the whole time I've been here. My mom, and Nicki's mom came down here, and I feel bad because they didn't even know I was here.

"Family of Rico Rodriguez?" A male doctor said walking out. We all stood, and I walked up to him.

"How is he?" I asked looking the doctor in the eyes. I saw sadness, and knew something wasn't right.

"Rico has a few broken ribs.. And he's partially paralyzed." Those words hit me like a ton of bricks. My knees buckled but someone caught me.

"Rico took a very hard blow to his spine. We ran a few other tests, and everything else is fine. He's asleep, but should be waking up any minute. Since its late, only one person back there at a time. He's on floor 3, room 356."

"Thanks Doc." I heard Terrell say.

"Any time. Have a good day." He said before walking off. I was still in someone's arms.

"Well.. Who wants to spend the night?" I heard nicki ask. I knew she has to work in the morning so I spoke up.

"Me. Y'all gone and get some rest, I'm fine." I said giving them a weak smile. They all looked at me with sympathy.

"Ria you sure honey?" My mom asked. I nodded my head and gave her a hug.

"I'll call you in the morning mom. Go back and get some sleep." I said pulling away. Everyone gave me a hug and said how sorry they where, then left. I made my way up to Rico's room and stood at the doorway.

He was all bandaged up, like he was broken.

I slid a chair close to his bed and sat in it looking at him.

"Your so broken.." Tears started filling my eyes, and my lip quivered.

"All I wanna do is fix you."




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Much Love♥


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