Chapter Twenty Four

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Whatever club me and Nicki where at was nice. I was sitting at a table while Nicki went off and danced with Terrell. Turns out they planned to go out, but didn't wanna leave me out. But here I am sitting on a couch, sipping on some liquor, watching them dance. But Ian left out?

Some dude walked up, and sat down. I ain't pay him no mind at first, but I felt him burning a whole in my face. I coughed and tried to look at him on slide, and it was Jacob.

"Mhm, yeah its me. Fuck is up with you Ria?" He asked. I sipped on my drink and shrugged my shoulders.

"I just need space Jacob. Where not in a relationship or anything so ch-"

"Exactly, we're not in a relationship so what you need space from? A friendship?" He asked smirking. I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, and started nodding my head to the music.

"C'mon let's dance." He said standing up and holding his hand out. I took it and we walked to the middle of the floor and started dancing as Ludacris blasted through the speakers.


I was chilling at the bar sipping on a Budweiser, rocking to the music. I'm not gonna lie, and say Tj was wrong. The club was full of fine ass ladies. But one of em caught my eye. Had a nice lil back side, but I couldn't see the face. I tried not to pay her no mind, but I've seen that ass before.

"Aw shit, wassup Rico?" I heard Terrell say. I ain't even know he was here. I turned and gave him some dap.

"Yeah man. That nigga Tj dragged me out here and then left my ass." I said shaking my head.

"You needed to get out." He said before turning around and ordering a beer. I left if that cause I know what he was referring to. I scand over the crowd and I saw the face of the girls ass who looked familiar.


I was tired of dancing just after two dances. I gotta get back in shape. Nicki came back over from dancing with Terrell and sat down next to me.

"Girl! I am tired as hell!" Nicki said fanning herself. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Yas! I need another drink, come with mee." I said standing up. I pulled at her arm but she wouldn't move. I sucked my teeth and turned to walk to the bar. I ordered some water so I could cool off faster.

"Aye wassup Ria?" I heard someone ask. As I was sipping my drink I turned my head and saw Terrell.. And Rico.

"Well damn. Y'all matching." I heard Terrell chuckle. I mentally rolled my eyes, then gave him a fake smirk. Not even looking at Rico.

"Welp! I think I heard Nicki call me.." He said before walking off. I laughed and shook my head. I started to walk off too, but someone grabbed my arm. I looked back and it was Rico.

"You know damn well I'm not letting you walk away again." He said seriously.

"Well you should." I hesitated to say. He sat down on the bar stool, my arm still in his grip. He nodded his head towards the stool in front of him. I sighed and sat down and faced him.

"So how you been?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"How you and ya kids been?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Not to good. I just found out they weren't mine.. Anything else you wanna know?" He asked. I sat there contemplating on weather I should get my foot out my mouth.

"Yeah.. Why'd you cheat?" I asked before standing up to walk away. Rico grabbed me and sat me on his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Look Ria.. I know I cheated and I'm sorry. I love you, and I loved you since I asked you to be my girl. I want another chance. Another chance to wake up next to you in the morning. Another chance to tell you I love you before we go to sleep together. Another chance to make you laugh. Another chance to make you mines. I know I fucked up, and I wish I never would have. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart. My life hasn't been the same without you." He whispered in my ear.

I hadn't even realized that I had tears running down my face.


"Aye, wassup Rico?" I heard Jacobs voice. I turned and saw him standing there.

"Ria.. Why you crying? This nigga hurt you?" He asked. I shook my head no.

"Nah, you ain't gotta lie for this nigga!" He yelled. I noticed he was drunk.

"Aye man, this don't concern you." Rico said giving me a lil squeeze when he said 'this'.

"Was anybody talking to you? Know what, Ria let's go!" Jacob said snatching me up. I yanked away from him and slapped him in the face. I don't know who the fuck he think he was grabbing me like that.

"Oh, so y'all together now?" Rico asked. My head snapped towards him.

"No, we're not together. I didn't even come to the club with him." I said. Jacob was looking at me, his chest going up and down fast.

"But we where almost together." Jacob said.

"No we weren't! We were just talking!" I said. I hadn't even noticed there was a crowd around us. Jacob looked at Rico, and charged at him, sending his back crashing into the bar. Rico screamed out in pain as Jacob sent blows to his rib cage. Rico started to fight back, but not much because of the blow he took to his back. Terrell came running over and flung Jacob off, and onto the floor next to me. He flinched, then looked up at me. He had this crazed look in his eye. He jumped up and stormed out the club. I ran over to Rico's side and he was fucked up.

"We gotta get him to a hospital!" I screamed. Terrell put Rico's arm around his neck, and I did the same and we walked out the club. I guess Nicki had saw what happen, cause she already had the car ready. We got Rico in, then sped off to the nearest hospital.




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