Chapter 28: Over This Shit

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Orignally I'd made the second half of this about Asher's love interest/love life but I wanted to stick to the story of Mia and Eli. So there will be a mention of it but that's it.

 So there will be a mention of it but that's it

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To say the flight back to Italy was tense was an understatement. I sent out emails and text to all of our guest apologizing but also informing them that Eli and I had a family emergency last minute so there would be no wedding. His grandparents understood once we explained the situation. So along with Mr. Espinoza, we all flew back to Italy together. I think Martín was hoping to talk some sense into his daughter. He was well aware of how this was probably going to end but I had a feeling it was pointless. I respected the fact that he wanted to try. Sia was meeting us at The Castle and I assumed she had other plans for Sophia.

After what seemed like days we finally land and head straight to Eli's grandparents home. Once there, Jonah suggested everyone take 30 minutes to get themselves together then meet him in his office. Eli quickly grabbed my hand, lead me to our room, and locked the door behind him. I watched as he sat down on the bed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I said making him smile

"I'm just worried. I can handle this but I'm worried about you. If something happens to you I...I don't know what I'd do."

"I can handle myself too you know. But I understand. I'm worried about you and everyone else as well. It's like every thought I have these days is for every single member of our family being safe. Old or young, I don't want anything to happen to anyone."

"Yeah well as the new head of this family it's my job to ensure everyone's safety. Which means I need everyone on the same page. Ash, Taz, and Bryson will follow orders but Kay and King will always...well will always be them so they're both wildcards."

"KarriLynn would never let anyone hurt King and he'd kill anyone who was even stupid enough to think about harming her."

"I'd do the same." He said smirking

"I know. Just think...once we get this over with we can move on to the next part of our forever."

"How do you do that?" He asked

"Do what?"

"Make me feel better even when I probably shouldn't."

"I don't know. I'm just honest. But I'm also your wife, My Love. So let's get going. We have a couple of dumb fucks to kill then I'm dragging you back here and I'm gonna fuck your brains out"

"I don't know what's gotten into you lately but I'm not complaining. Come on" he said pulling me out the door."

"Maybe your cousin has finally rubbed off on me" I said laughing

"Remind me to thank her"

(Jonah's office)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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