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Tom stared at Madeline as she took soft breaths at the hospital bed. He didn't entirely understand why he'd stayed with her, she was nothing to him — only the gemstone she had was something to him.

His Grandfather and the Nott's family didn't have a great bond. Their conflicts revolved around betrayal and dishonesty. Tom wanted nothing but revenge for what the Notts had done to his own family.

The generation after Helen Nott, didn't know about the betrayal of what their descendants had committed — neither has anyone talked about it.

A sly surge of rage gushed through him as he stared at the brunette girl lying in front of him. He could do so much to her — he could ruin her and Theodore's life, the same why the Nott's had done to his Grandfather.

The urging sensation of irritation probed through him again, his displeasing desire of wanting revenge on them thrived even more through his mind again.

His attention was brought back to her neck — the black gemstone glistening between her soft pale skin. He needed that gemstone and the everlasting oath it had on it's owner.

He hesitantly placed his hands behind her neck, unclasping the chain. He slowly picked up the necklace — quickly shoving it in his pocket.

Madeline slowly reached her hand out, waiting for someone to hold onto it. She still felt the aching pain prospering through her mind and weak body.

She slowly opened her eyes and immediately peered her agitated eyes onto his. Her mouth dropped at the boy sitting in front of her.

"Riddle—" Madeline stuttered in panic, "I— thought you were Theodore and I don't understand—"

Tom stared at the girl in utter annoyance, his regret for staying with her had unbearably increased. She was an absolute pain to him and presumably also to his cousin.

She gulped a thick lump in her throat as her body shivered staring at his dark and dreary eyes. Theodore's brown eyes were nothing compared to his — Tom's brown eyes were vulgar and appalling.

"Does Theodore know that I'm here, or does he know what had happened to me?" She hesitantly spoke watching him irritatedly roll his eyes.

"That's not my fucking problem," His eyebrows furrowed together firmly, "That's your fucking problem to let your pathetic cousin know when you're being possessed." He spat, his jaw clenched.

"If that's not your problem then why did you bring me here? Surely since, I'm not your problem, Riddle."

His shallow eyes pierced through her soul, heavily flaring through her intestines. She felt an uneasy fret arise in her stomach, regretting the words that left her lips.

She tucked a curl behind her ear, resting her folded arms over her lap, "If you weren't there, then I would have died, or been possessed forever."

Tom looked down at his wand, tightly gripping onto the phoenix core, "That doesn't effect me either if you live or die, it's not stopping my own life."

Madeline furrowed her eyebrows at the words that left his lips. She couldn't remember what had happened to her and what had happened to her mind when she was possessed.

Pleasure | Tom Riddle & Theodore Nott 18+Where stories live. Discover now