587 10 9

This chapter includes disturbing content that may trigger the mind.


Madeline didn't feel like herself anymore.

She couldn't understand what had been happening to her, the last few days went by caused nothing but affliction.

The time she left Theodore's room, she felt guilty for what she'd said, yet again, she couldn't confront him, she was still embarrassed and ashamed.

It also didn't comprehend to her that her necklace was still missing — neither did she realize that without her necklace, she was craving foul desires.

She hesitantly placed her fingers on her temple, gently rubbing through the pain she felt numbing through her.

She turned the bathroom light off, leaving the door closed as she walked back to her room. She squinted her eyes, seeing Theodore sitting on her bed with his back faced towards her as he smoked a cigarette.

"Oh Theodore—" She shut her eyes as she felt a sudden wave of dizziness gush through her, "About the other night—"

He gripped his fingers onto her forearms, holding onto her before she fell, "Madeline, forget about that night," He stared at her eyes in concern, "You don't seem alright—"

She furled a wicked smile on her lips as she interlocked her fingers onto his, "If I say I'm alright even if I'm acting unusual would you still believe me?"

Theodore released an irritated sigh as he stood up from her bed, gathering her books from her bed, "I don't know what you've consumed last night that you're acting—"

"Your love," Her glistening eyes locked upon his, yearning for his desire, "I've consumed your love last night."

He instantly snapped his eyes back at her, grimacing at the strange words that left her lips, "Do you realize the fucking words that are coming out of your mouth!"

"I always think before I speak, I don't say things that I'll regret after. You should already know that about me, Theo." She peaked her head back as her eyes narrowed in fret, "Would you still love me if I act unusual?"

Theodore furrowed his eyebrows at the abrupt impulse of rage droning through his blood. Her sudden anticipation triggered towards him — flourishing his mind back to the argument he had with her, understanding its outcome.

Madeline pouted, her head tipped in front of her as her eyelashes twitched, "I didn't say something that difficult for you to be lost in your thoughts."

"You've always acted abnormal, how the fuck is this any different?" He roughly spat, his jaw tightly clenched, "You'll feel better in the morning, just go to bed."

"I'm not tired for that—"

She spun around, grabbing the switch blade sitting on her dresser. She placed the tip of the blade on her fingernails, carving small splits onto her pale skin.

Theodore instantly latched his eyes upon the blood coated blade, watching the eerie sight. Madeline sucked off the blood from her fingers, curling a smirk on her lips.

"Give the knife to me," He demanded, watching her suck off the blood from her fingertips, "Give the fucking knife to me, Madeline!"

She winced at his sudden approach, pouting her rosy lips at him, "Theo, don't talk to me like that, you're scaring me and I don't like to be yelled at."

"Madeline, you're going to hurt yourself and I can't watch you doing that," His brown eyes hooked on hers as he brushed his thumb across her cheek, "Don't put yourself through that."

"Theo—" She choked out hot tears, gasping stiff breaths in her throat, "Theo, I don't know what's happening to me, I can't control myself!"

"Don't blame yourself for this, Madeline," He pressed his lips on her fingertips, tasting the dried blood in his mouth, "You're my responsibility and I can't bare myself to watch you go through this."

Theodore pressed his lips onto hers, tasting the bitter tears on her lips. Madeline felt herself going back to her own state of mind — relieving from her abnormal senses.

He slowly pulled away, unlatching his lips away from her, "It's late, you should be asleep and—"

"I can't sleep without you, besides me," She wiped the tears in her eyes, hastily shaking her head, "Please, just for tonight stay with me."

He stared back at her, pondering on an appropriate answer to respond with. He cupped her face in his hands, brushing his thumb along her frail tears.

"Just for tonight, Madeline—"

"Yes Theo, just for tonight and I won't ask for anything from you again—" She softly whispered.

Madeline sat on her bed, waiting for her cousin to lay with her. Theodore hesitantly sat besides her, clenching his gritted jaw.

She tightly tugged onto her blanket in between her legs as her glistening eyes laid upon his. She nuzzled her face in his shoulder, inhaling his enticingly scent from his clothes.

"Should I turn the lights off?"

She instantly frowned, "No— I don't like the dark. It reminds me off every awful memory I've had."

Theodore raised an eyebrow as he stared at her in concern, "Am I one of your awful memories?"

She placed her hand beneath his jaw, squeezing his cheeks in her soft hands, "No you're my baby." Her eyes narrowed from the moonlight, "And— If you're still seeing Adalee behind my back—"

He harshly pushed her away from his shoulder, tightly gritting his jaw, "Have you lost your fucking mind!"

She squeezed his waist, instantly regretting her sudden words, "Wait, Theo! Don't leave me. You have to stay with me, you're my baby."

He stood up, walking towards the door. He ignored her annoying weepings from behind, painfully irritated from her clinginess.

Madeline fell on the floor, grabbing onto his leg. She spat out hot tears as she continued to clutch onto his legs, "Theo please, you've promised that you'll stay with me tonight."

Theodore dragged his leg along the doorway, feeling rage surging through his blood. "Get off my fucking leg and stop acting like a child!"

She loosened her grip around his leg, feeling heated tears staining her rosy cheeks. She watched as he left from her sight, showing no remorse towards her.

Madeline struggled to keep herself together — she regretted the words that left her mouth, but, she felt her heart twist, knowing that he was still seeing Adalee.

She collapsed onto the floor, feeling a dreary sense of drowsiness flaunt through her mind. She slowly closed her eyes, feeling them roll behind her.


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