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Madeline fiddled with the quill between her fingers as she impatiently stared at the clock. She hated history of magic, she was unfazed of the subject — instead, she payed attention to the plants sitting outside of the window.

She flinched her eyes back to the Professor, clustering her lost senses back to reality. She flickered her eyes at the chalkboard as an annoyed groan escaped her lips.

She had a huge of pile homework that she forgot to complete. She couldn't remember the last night that she stayed up and completed her homework, it was so long ago that it didn't concede inside her mind.

Madeline shook her head — getting rid of the blunt and congested thoughts. She flipped through her notebook, writing down the script notes written on the chalkboard.

"What class do we have after this?" She whispered to Gianna, locking her sheeny eyes on her quill, "I don't know how long I'll be able to last hearing her— "

"Miss. Nott! What is it about your conversation that is so much more important than my lesson?" The Professor held her stern glare, smacking the wand on her palm.

Madeline's heaved breaths strangled as she thought of an explanation, still ignoring the Professor's threatening glares, "Professor— I was just asking her about our next—"

"I don't want to hear it, Miss. Nott," Her sealed lips tightened as her glasses fell on the tip of her nose, "Why can't you be more like your cousin, he doesn't disrupt my class like this."

She felt her insides burning with jealousy and hatred. Her stomach twisted as she heard students behind her snickering — triggering her pulsated blood through her skin.

She was always compared to Theodore, she was seen as an disappointment to her family when it came to her schoolwork — moreover to her Professors.

She twirled her quill between her fingers, piercing her eyes at Theodore from across the room. It wasn't entirely his fault, he was raised like this from his father and Grandmother, to never put his schoolwork behind of anything.

The Professor turned back around, strolling back to her desk, "On your way out, please collect your tests on my desk. Class dismissed."

Madeline instantly stood up, grabbing the test from the desk, and sauntered inside the hallway. She opened the test, peering her eyes at the B- written on the corner of the paper.

She folded back her paper in-half, heavily sighing at the relieved pressure lifting off her shoulders. She placed her books besides her waist and walked to her next class.


Madeline peaked her eyes at the restricted section of the library. She pulled a book out, inspecting the cover of the torn book — it elevated her at the tempting cover. She knew shouldn't open it, but, she couldn't help herself.

"You shouldn't be here, Nott—"

She instantly felt her stomach churning at his voice, apprehending the sudden wave of agitation pinching through her, at the sight of his alluring voice.

Pleasure | Tom Riddle & Theodore Nott 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora