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The deadly desires that arose in the darkest depths of a girl's green hues, causing something that she didn't ever sought her naive mind to ever overlaps to,

Not once did she think about her future and what it held upon her. Instead, she was so falsified in the foul love of her cousin that she never thought that because of him, she'd be tangled in someone else's vile love.

The necklace that was wrapped around her neck as if held a burden of remembrance of her dead Mother, and the protection that her Grandmother wanted to cleave away from, in the eyes of those who lay their spells on her innocence.

The girl didn't know that she was cursed and into the control of a boy who can corrupt her mind, and evaluate her mind into thinking the wrong is right.

It tormented her away from her own blood, and yearned for his own. She wanted them both, she wanted both the miseries that held upon the two boys that she thirsted her own faith for.

Within the faiths of our mind, our heart intertwines to the things that don't salvage our desires.


Madeline sucked in an harsh breath, her insides flaming in discomfort. She rose from the sofa and sat in front of him, — boring her glossy green eyes into his brown hues.

Her lips twitched, the pain she felt inside the lowest pits of her stomach was in flames. Madeline was on the verge of uncontrollable tears, she could've sworn in that very minute, — she was going to collapse and faint inside the library.

Madeline's rosy cheeks began to saunter in vile tears, she stared at the boy with concern piercing inside her eyes, "Please—" Her voices cracked and her fingers tightly clutched on his, "I have a lot happening in my life, and I can't do much of this anymore."

A smirk curled on the corner of Tom's lips, he stared at the girl that stood on her knees — sobbing and soaking his pants. He grasped the back of her hair — staring attentively at her wet green hues.

"You're so fucking precious under my damn touch," Tom harshly whispered through the terror locked in his voice, "You're under my possession, and only I know what's best for you, Nott."

It was only a matter of seconds, before she knew what his words were able to conquer. The sincerity that laced in her sweetness — was clogged inside her. She couldn't say anything, it felt useless — it felt so immature for what her tongue was able sought for.

"You know how to talk a little too much, don't you Nott? We'll put that mouth in good use and it'll never be spoken unless I ask for it to be open. Do you fucking understand that or my demands aren't clear enough for you, Nott?" 

Her rosy lips parted, she felt so numb — she couldn't form the proper words to say. Every bit of her was so deprived, and part of her was striking for her to get away from him, — telling her that she was in danger.


"Why are you doing this to me?" Theodore's pitied tone shattering into shards of his own drenched agony, "Madeline, you're worrying me and this thing inside you, is disrupting your mindset."

Her red pupils instantly softened, she interlocked her fingers on his fingertips, chocking out wet tears, "I can't, Theo, I can't control myself anymore and you have to live to see me act like this forever."

Madeline backed away, wiping the tears that blotched her rosy cheeks. She briskly walked past Theodore — untangling her fingers away from his, and left the room.

Theodore watched as she left, the pinching and unsettling sensation not once leaving his body. He stared back at the milk bottle and pacifier in his trembling arms — the dreaded pity still lingered on him, not leaving him for mercy.

"You're a father."

"We're parents now."

"Mallory is asleep."

"You forgot our daughter's name."

"I can't control myself anymore."

Theodore couldn't handle this anymore, he couldn't handle the affliction that twinged in his heart. He was the reason for Madeline's possessive behavior — he imprinted her mind about burning her desires — granting her with nothing but endless suffering.

Theodore couldn't fix this, he couldn't. It was all too much for him to handle. His nightmare, the nightmare that he thought he would never see, the same nightmare that he thought his loved ones would never suffer to — started to spark, and burn all his pleasures and happiness.


Pleasure | Tom Riddle & Theodore Nott 18+Where stories live. Discover now