The Battle for Social Rehabilitation

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"What a pigsty, you've lived like this for 15 years?" The man had opened the door to the man's room and immediately insulted its condition of it.

Serizawa, sitting in a beanbag chair, didn't look away from his game projected on his big TV, he asked for the man's identity as the clicking of his controller continued.

"My name is Suzuki, and we're here to help. Your mother's concerned so she asked me to discuss it with you."

"Another councilor," Serizawa groaned. "Look, don't try to get any closer, you'll get hurt. I'm not...normal."

"You are normal, you're just an esper!"

The man looked away from his game. His eyes widened, "What? What the hell is a kid doing here?!"

"I'm 10 and a quarter. I'm basically a grown-up!" You crossed your arms and entered the room. "And as a grown-up, I'm here to help you get out of this room."

"I'm not listening to anything a kid says, go away..."

"But we drove out here to help you! Why don't you tell me how you're feeling? It always helps me calm down when I say how I feel!" You took a few more steps into the room.

"No!" Serizawa demanded, "Don't say anything else to me!"

You frowned and looked away from him, having a chance to look at the television. Your expression quickly changed to a smile. "You have this game? I've wanted it for so long! What's it like?"

"Stop it!"

"Hey, don't get so upset! I thought you didn't have any friends who shared the same interests, but I do!" You were so focused on swaying Serizawa that you didn't notice the psychic energy that rattled the room.

"Don't act like you know what it's like! Just go away!"

"I do know! I don't have many friends myself...And the ones I do have are always working so they can never play with me. Only one of them is decent with video games, but he gets so upset when I win that he hacks the game to make sure he wins..." You stared at Serizawa's hands, despite him being furious he continued to play.

His game character then blew up on the screen, he had finally stopped playing. Serizawa instinctively used his psychic powers to send the multiple pieces of trash in the room to hit you. "Get out!!" The man screamed, immediately regretting his decision.

The trash stopped before your face as you put your hands out. Your father came up behind you and set a hand on your shoulder, "This is my daughter, (Y/N) Suzuki. I brought her here to help you out. She's an esper just like you and me."

Serizawa watched as you set the objects down on the table with your powers, "But I...I can't leave this room. Whenever I do I get dizzy..."

Your father opened an umbrella over Serizawa's head, explaining that he imagine that he was still in his room under the umbrella.

"And we could take you out to eat!" You ran over beside your dad. "Maybe something healthy? I feel dizzy when I eat too many snacks." Your eyes quickly scanned the various sugary items that he had previously eaten scattered throughout the room. "Oh! And we can go out to this smoothie place I know! " extending your hand out to your new friend, "Come on, doesn't that sound like fun?"

Serizawa slowly set his controller down, and hesitantly he set his hand on your small one. He was blinded by the light around you, but the room was almost pitch black - in his eyes, you shined brighter than the pixel screen behind you.

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