(A/N): Season 3!!

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Helloo lovelies! :) Thank you so much for almost 40k views on this book?? Which is absolutely crazy??

Season three is coming out tomorrow, so I've scheduled some form of posting routine for this book. I will attempt (emphasis on attempt because life has somehow gotten EVEN busier) to post every Wednesday the new episodes come out. But I could possibly be a couple of episodes behind!

Tomorrow I will be posting an OVA chapter, then in the following weeks, I'll get into season 3. Oh! And (Y/N) is getting their own plot this season! :) so however the first couple of episodes are laid out for S3, and there may be an original chapter or two planned.

Nonetheless, I am excited to be writing this for all of you! I enjoy reading your comments and how much you all support this. until then, we'll wait until the sunflowers bloom ;)

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