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You stared out at the beams of light racing past the window of your compartment on the ship, arms folded a little too tightly over your knees. Into the belly of the beast, you thought with only a little contempt for the General. She was doing the best she could, given the circumstances.

Rumors flew through the Resistance that Kylo Ren was her son, but she'd never given any indication to the truth of the claim. Not that it mattered, anyway, you weren't particularly close to her, and you'd have no qualms worming your way into Ren's life and forcing his hand. Your mission had been laid out very clearly for you by your commanding officer: Negotiate peace with the First Order, or kill whoever you needed to topple them from the inside. You weren't exactly sure why they'd chosen you, not that you weren't an accomplished soldier, a disciplined mind, but you'd felt and heard the resentment of your male counterparts when they announced your name at that final strategy meeting. But that was all in the past now, you needed to focus on the plan, on how to get one of the most evil and violent men since Vader to agree to a ceasefire, to peace. You secretly hoped he wouldn't, though, so you could watch him sink to his knees in surrender in front of you. Perhaps you'd even use his own weapon to remove his head from his body. The hot feeling of eyes on the back of your neck brought you out of your fantasy.

"The First Order has officially approved our arrival and stay on the Finalizer." It was your partner for the mission, one of the men who worked directly beneath the General. He was a few years older than you, and someone that you'd noticed during your prior years of training, but never allowed yourself to get too close to. He was incredibly handsome at this distance, what with his rich brown skin, strong jaw, large hands at the ends of his muscular arms. Hazel eyes to pierce into your soul. Boys, dating, being noticed in a romantic way... that was far removed from your upbringing.

"Wonderful," Your voice dripped heavily with sarcasm, and you stood to assess the wardrobe that had been provided for you. Lots of black, some thick, some silky. You supposed seducing Ren wasn't out of the question. Perhaps that's why they'd chosen you, the only female soldier in your rank. You stifled a snort.

"I think it would be best if I did the talking," You shot your gaze over to your partner, your eyes narrowing to thin slits. "At least at this first meeting," He added quickly, the flush in his cheeks just slightly visible over his warm brown skin. You remembered watching him train several years prior, wishing you could fight as he did, or at the very least be able to take him on. "It's just that I know more about what the Resistance is capable of offering, the terms of any agreement that we could come to together." He rambled on, and you turned your eyes back to the closet, pulling out one of the silky ebony dresses.

"In case you've forgotten, this is my mission. You are here as my resource. If I need advice on any of those matters, rest assured I will ask." You stalked toward him, plastering a false smile over your lips. "Goodbye, now." You shut the door on his unheard argument, sighing. This hadn't been the first time a man had underestimated you, and felt pretty damn sure it wouldn't be the last. Hopefully for Kylo Ren, it would be the last thing he ever did.

You'd dressed, tweaked your appearance with just the slightest touch of kohl and rouge to appear less soldier, more woman in charge, and stood in the main cabin of the ship as you dropped out of light speed. The monstrosity that was the Finalizer and its sister ships came into full view. If the First Order wasn't such a vile organization, it would really be a marvel to look at. Nerves came over you in a flash of heat, the silky cape draped over your dress was suddenly stifling. Your weapons pressed solidly into your skin, a blade on your thigh, a blaster on your hip, a second, smaller blade hidden in your boot.

"Dane, sir," Ah, Dane; you filed your partner's name away for safekeeping. "We have been given permission to land in the main hangar." The mousy brown-haired pilot spoke with a slight accent that you couldn't place. You felt the landing gear rumble the ship as you neared the hangar, the same way that the hammering of your heart made your body seem to vibrate. You mentally kicked yourself; there was no room to be nervous, you had a feeling Ren could sense fear and you didn't want him to sense anything but blatant disinterest. The ship settled to the ground, the door opening with a sigh of exhaust, ramp lowering slowly. You could see Dane looking at you out of the corner of your eye, but you kept your head high as you sauntered down the ramp ahead of him. There was a whole company of stormtroopers, hands on their blasters at their sides, several squad leaders, a red-headed general at the front, and, finally, your eyes locked on Ren. Dressed head to toe in black, a mask keeping his face fully covered. You wondered if you would recognize some of General Organa's features underneath, or perhaps the infamous Han Solo, or if, like Vader, he was less human, more droid. You stopped in front of them, finally tearing your eyes away from Red to take in the red-headed General.

Negotiations (Kylo Ren x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now