Yes, Commander

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**TW** This chapter has heavy themes of sadism, dubious consent, delayed orgasm, and a touch of bloodplay. It starts at the beginningm, so please skip to the three asterisks (***) about halfway down if you wish to skip it.

The hallways were eerily silent, echoing with your uneven steps as you tried your best to stay upright. But it was a small price to pay for the power you held in your hands now; your body sparkled with glee as you waved your hand at Kylo's door, the Force sliding it open for you with barely a thought. And what was more, you could feel him. He was close. You walked into the center of the antechamber, sending out tendrils of energy to ask which door to choose. Darkness rippled back to you from the left, and you followed it through. There was the bed he'd fucked you on, the throne at the far end of the room he'd lounged on, but you didn't see him here. You bumped into his desk, swearing quietly at the pain that coursed through the side of your left hip. But as you looked up, you felt the pull of energy again, dark energy, coming from a nondescript gray door immediately to the right of his throne. He was there, you felt the anger, the hatred, the frustration. Oh yes, he was there, but he wasn't in a good mood. It should've scared you, but it only thrilled you more. Heart hammering against your ribcage, you waved your hand and the door slid open. For less than a second, he was kneeling before a sleek black table, something black and ruined perched atop it in a pile of what looked like ashes. Before you could get a better look, you were flying through the air, slamming against the wall, hitting the floor face-first with such force that you struggled to catch your breath. The world was spinning as you tried to pull yourself up, coughing, but you collapsed back down, black boots coming to stop in front of you.

"You have no right to be here." He spat, using his foot to flip you onto your back so he could glare at you. "Lessons are already paying off, aren't they?" His tone was laced with bitterness.

"What was that thing?" You asked when you'd regained control, sitting up slowly. Kylo had already shut the door containing the strange, twisted black effigy as you peered around him.

"It's none of your business." He squatted down to your level, gazing at you with a ferocity that made you nervous. "You shouldn't have come here."

"Why not?" You couldn't help but retort, getting clumsily to your feet. A smirk spread menacingly over Kylo's pink lips, one that caused you to ache with anticipation. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

"You're to be married to Hux, as you pointed out to me. I've been ordered to stay away from you." You licked your lip, sore, swollen, and bleeding from where your face had collided with the ground.

"Since when do you follow orders?" With a wave of his hand, your body was ripped upwards from the floor like a ragdoll, slamming against the wall behind you with such force that you felt the bones in your spine pop.

"One cock never seems to be enough for you, does it?" He stopped right in front of you now, using his thumb to spread the dripping blood across your bottom lip. "You're such a whore."

"I've been called a whore so many times that it's starting to lose its charm." You taunted, grinning, your cheeks flushing when he gripped your jaw, tilting your head up. "Why don't you pick another insult?" He narrowed his eyes and you felt an invisible pressure on your trachea, thinning, closing, you gasped for your next breath.

"You weren't so bold the last time you were here, when you were begging me to fuck you." The alcohol in your veins was like a tranquilizer to your common sense, a repellent to your sense of self preservation

"Well I guess I can be as bold as I want today, since I'm not here for that." You glanced down the growing bulge in his pants, then back up to his eyes. "A bit unfortunate for you." Breathing heavily, he let go of you, stepping back and attempting to compose himself.

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