Open Up

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*TW: this chapter contains scenes of dubious consent. If that is something you would not like to read, I will mark the beginning and end with three asterisks (***)

Things were hazy when your eyes fluttered open, all of your senses dull. Your heart rate accelerated as you rushed to sit up, looking around to determine where you were. The room was empty, crisp white sheets tucked you into a single hospital cot, a loose, black gown falling to your knees with nothing underneath. As you lifted your upper body up, a sharp pain shot down your shoulders. Foggy memories of running with Hux to escape the bounty hunter at the Senate meeting rose to the surface. You grimaced, lifting up the baggy sleeve of your gown to look at your shoulder. It was bandaged, clean white strips wrapped all the way around your shoulder to across your chest and over around your shoulder blades. Your body was sore as you rose to sit, head swimming, skin suddenly sweltering hot. It felt like it had only been a few moments, but as you attempted to stand, a distant voice snapped into focus. You screamed, nearly pitching forward as a tall, black figure appeared before you. The person caught you, shoving you back toward the cot with a bit more force than necessary.

"Should I be concerned that you're losing your mind?" Kylo Ren stood there at the side of your bed, his head tilted to the side in his signature predatory stare. The dizziness was gone, but heat flooded you again, images from your dreams shouting around your head. A low rumble of laughter from inside his helmet. "Very interesting dreams," Your mouth fell open, a deep blush rushing into your cheeks.

"You said you couldn't hear my thoughts," Your words were half mumbled, but he understood perfectly.

"Normally, I can't. Now, I can. Maybe it has something to do with the drugs." He caressed the clear bag of fluids connected to your veins with a long, thin tube. You moved your arm, slowly as if trudging through water, to rip out your IV, but Ren's hand caught yours, dwarfing it with his long fingers. He pinned your hand to the sheets beside your head, bringing his other to your jaw, his touches feather-light. You made a small sound, somewhere between a whimper and a groan, the fantasies in your head getting darker. Now he could see, now he was watching himself removing his helmet, pressing his bare cheek against your inner thighs, tying you up in his interrogation room... you realized how heavily you were breathing, how your knees were drifting apart, how Ren had crawled into the bed with you, his body dangerously close to yours.

"You have quite the imagination." He purred, the point of his index finger tilting your chin up.

"Take off your helmet, you coward," You slurred, reaching up with your free hand to grip the underside of his mask. He shot back, slapping you across the face with enough force to leave your cheek stinging with pain.

"I decide what you see and when you see it," He hissed, moving back on you to squeeze your neck until you were clawing at his hand, desperate for air. "You'd like that though, wouldn't you," He finally let go, a great many things rushing into your head at once, blood and oxygen, for one thing, but also a visual of you, red lightsaber in hand and black hood nearly covering your face, standing slightly in front of a masked Kylo Ren. His own saber was illuminating him like a wicked saint. The scene changed, you were looking down on yourself in a large, black bed, naked, hands bound to the headboard, lips parted and eyes shut tightly with either pleasure or pain, perhaps a bit of both. Despite the drugs, you felt deeply in your core that these were not your thoughts, but like the night of the cocktail party, you were seeing inside someone else's mind. The thought made your skin crawl.

"No!" You yelled, falling abruptly out of the images playing in your head and back to the hospital bed. Kylo Ren was mid-air, flying across the room away from the bed, hitting the wall with a loud smack of his helmet. With a cry of pain and fear, you ripped the IV from your wrist, blood pouring from the small puncture in your skin. Ren was face-down on the ground, not stirring as you leapt from the bed. The room spun around you as you tried to make a run for it, blubbering and gasping as your injured shoulder blasted sharp pains down your arm. A medic droid opened the door just as you stumbled over to it. You pushed past it and ran through the apparent hospital wing of the Finalizer, it's uniform hospital cots lying empty. You crashed into one of them, nearly falling on your face, but you reached the exit, realizing quickly that you had no idea where you were. You heard the tell-tale signs of Kylo Ren's waking: a lightsaber unsheathed, the crashes of a temper tantrum. You took off running, weaving between the narrow walls of an empty hallway, the hum of a laser getting closer and closer until it drowned out your thoughts completely. The pain medicine was starting to wear off now, your shoulder throbbing, especially because you kept banging it on the wall, but your dizziness was starting to clear. You rounded a corner and screamed as someone caught you in their grip, but there was no pain of a lightsaber slicing you open. You breathed a sigh of relief to find Hux staring down at you, panic ripe on his face.

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