Mr. Ren Will See You Now

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*TW: this chapter contains scenes of dubious consent. If that is something you would not like to read, I will mark the beginning and end with three asterisks (***)

Your knee almost buckled on your next step, but you held your chin high as you approached him, his gaze heavy over your body. You stopped several feet away from him, biting down hard on the inside of your cheek to keep you grounded, to keep your nerve as he assessed you, not speaking. Finally, he raised a gloved hand to his face, resting his chin on his fist.

"Explain," His tone was short, sharp, icy fear crawling up your veins. You didn't like the flicker of violence in his eyes.

"Explain what?" You retorted, squeezing your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms. How much did he know about Dane? How much had Vicrul been able to find out? After all, you had no idea how long he'd actually been there on Hosnian Prime. If you'd thought Vicrul and Dane being together would be dangerous, Ren being alone with him would be absolutely lethal.

"You left without my permission." His voice was predatorial and steady, as though each word were a strike of his lightsaber against you.

"And suddenly I'm your property?" You spat, anger rising steadily in your chest. "All of this was General Hux's plan, I had no idea he was going to-" Ren stood up abruptly, your words catching in the back of your throat.

"I'll deal with Hux later, we're talking about you." He liked watching you squirm, so you refused to oblige him. You stared unflinching as he stalked toward you, tilting his head down so your noses were just inches away from each other. "I think I'll need to punish you." All of your muscles stiffened.

"What do you have in mind?" A muscle in his jaw twitched, hatred burning deep in his dark eyes. But then he smirked, bringing his gloved finger up to trace your bottom lip.

"Maybe I'll just send you back to your room with nothing, maybe that's the best punishment for a slut," You felt the fury rising, your lip trembling beneath his finger. "Oh, hits a nerve, does it?" He shot you a cruel half-smile, bringing his whole hand down to your jaw, your throat, then trailing along your collarbone.

"I don't want anything from you."

"This song and dance again? Don't you ever grow tired of the lies?" He'd leaned in close, his cool breath tickling your ear. "I don't need to read your mind to prove to you how much you want me." You ripped yourself away from him, face twisting in anger.

"I. don't. want. you." You repeated, accentuating each word as its own syllable. "If I want some release, I'll just ask Dane. He was very happy to oblige." You knew at once you'd said the wrong thing. By the look on Kylo Ren's face, Dane's life was in danger.

"You let him touch you?" His face was becoming very red, speaking through clenched teeth.

"Oh, he did a lot more than touch me." You enjoyed the look on Ren's face too much to think very far into the consequences of this speech you were making. "He took me out, then we went back to his room, he undressed me," You started circling him, like he'd done to you many times. "He took his time on me, got me really, really wet before he fucked-" 

*** He grabbed you by the throat, lifting you off the ground with a loud gag. He carried you over to his bed, throwing you on it with murder on his face.

"I don't like other people's hands on what's mine." He growled as he climbed on top of you. You were still trying to catch your breath when his hand was back around your throat, squeezing so hard you saw stars.

"You don't own me." You gasped out as your brain screamed for oxygen. He pinned your arms to your sides with his knees and finally let up, reaching behind you to the sleek black headboard, pulling something from either side. "What are you doing?" You whispered, breathing heavily as your heart accelerated. He freed one arm, strapping your wrist into a cuff attached to a chain, then the other, wrists crossed. You pulled, but to no avail, the chains were locked onto his bed frame.

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